CUC's new scientific projects
On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, in the "Bl. Alojzije kard. Stepinac" Hall, the Catholic University of Croatia (CUC) hosted a presentation of its 2024 one-year scientific projects, alongside multi-year and one-year projects conducted from 2022 to 2024. The event also included an introduction to the new multi-year and one-year projects set to begin in 2025.

Rector Prof. Željko Tanjić, Ph.D., and Vice-Rector for Science Prof. Roberto Antolović, Ph.D., opened the gathering, expressing pride in the high-quality project applications and gratitude for the effective organization and implementation of research at the university.

The first block of presentations highlighted the following projects:
"Design and Development of PLA/PEG Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications" led by Prof. Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Ph.D.
"The Effect of Fluoxetine under Copper-Induced Oxidative Stress Conditions" led by Assoc. Prof. Maja Jazvinšćak Jembrek, Ph.D.
"Sociocultural Capital of the Črnomerec Neighborhood: Sustainable Living, Environmental Care, and Transformational Processes Toward the '15-Minute City' Model" led by Asst. Prof. Miriam Mary Brgles, Ph.D.
"Molecular Detection of Lyme Disease Pathogens Directly from Ticks" led by Asst. Prof. Momir Futa, Ph.D.
"Determinants, Outcomes, and Interrelations of Mental and Physical Health in Pregnancy and Postpartum (MumHealth)" led by Assoc. Prof. Sandra Nakić Radoš, Ph.D."Perception and Measurement of the Soundscape in Earthquake-Affected Urban Areas" led by Asst. Prof. Karlo Filipan, Ph.D.
"Toma Kovačević: Catalogue of Zagreb Bishops and Canons" led by Asst. Prof. Valentina Janković Barbarić, Ph.D.
The block concluded with a Q&A session where colleagues from the Strategic Planning, Development, and Projects Office addressed administrative and logistical inquiries regarding project management.

The second block showcased projects such as:
"Folk Medicine and Healing: Beliefs, Practices, and Narratives" led by Prof. Luka Šešo, Ph.D.
"Identity and Technology: Identification Processes, Communication, and Interaction with New Technologies" led by Asst. Prof. Lucija Mihaljević, Ph.D.
"From Defensive Bulwark to 'Military Reservoir': The Evolution of Frontier Soldiers from the 16th to the 18th Century" led by Dr. Filip Hren.
"The Impact of PAPILOCARE Gel and PAPILOCARE IMMUNOCAPS Capsules on HPV Infection and Treatment of VaIN Lesions" led by Assoc. Prof. Ingrid Marton, Ph.D.
"Tick-Talk: Check If Your Tick Is Infected! A Citizen Science Project on Lyme Disease Pathogens" led by Asst. Prof. Momir Futa, Ph.D.
"Determinants and Mechanisms of the Contribution of Physical Activity to Mental Health" led by Asst. Prof. Dragan Glavaš, Ph.D.
"Presentation and Analysis of Catholic-Themed Content in Croatian Digital Media" led by Asst. Prof. Luka Šikić, Ph.D.
"Molecular Regulation of Cyclical Changes in Cervical Mucus and the Application of Knowledge for Enhancing Women's Reproductive Health" led by Assoc. Prof. Marija Ćurlin, Ph.D.
This event marked a significant step in promoting innovative research and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, ensuring the continued growth and success of scientific endeavors at CUC.