Assist. prof. Peran, PhD, appointed to Sectoral Council XVIII. Information and communications of the Agency for Science and Higher Education

By the decision of prof. Danijela Horvatek Tomić, PhD, director of the Agency for Science and Higher Education (AZVO), from November 26, 2024, assistant. Ph.D. sc. Suzana Peran from the University Department of Communication sciences, was appointed to the Sectoral Council XVIII. Information and Communications, Agency for Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Croatia.
The sector council is a body that, based on the Act on the Croatian Qualification Framework, has an advisory role and takes care of the development of human resources in accordance with the needs of the labor market within individual sectors, that is, the sector councils are advisory bodies that take care of the development of human resources in accordance with the needs of the labor market within of each individual sector. Each individual sectoral council analyzes the existing and necessary competences within the sector; proposes recommendations for the development of the sector; It makes recommendations to the National Council for the Development of Human Resources on enrollment policy, enrollment quotas and funding of qualifications from public sources; make recommendations for changes in the National Classification of Occupations to the ministry responsible for work; promote the sector and employment opportunities within the sector.