Doctoral Program in History

doktorski studij povijest

Basic Information About the Doctoral Program in History

The Doctoral Program in History is mentor-based, which means that doctoral candidates select their mentor upon enrollment, and at the beginning of the second year of study, they defend their dissertation proposal. This mentor-guided program immediately immerses candidates in scientific research, preparing them for a career in the academic sector or research and development within industry, where they will contribute to societal progress and well-being by generating new knowledge.

The program has been offered since the academic year 2018/2019, based on an official license. It is registered in the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports' registry of study programs.

Academic Degree: Doctor of Humanities (Ph.D.) in History (dr. sc. human.)

Scientific Area, Field: Humanities, History

Duration of the Program: 6 semesters (3 years), up to a maximum of 12 semesters (6 years)

ECTS Credits: 180 ECTS (Mandatory Activities: 60 ECTS; Elective Activities: 30 ECTS; Doctoral Dissertation: 90 ECTS)

Program Completion: Completion of all mandatory and elective activities, preparation, and defense of the doctoral dissertation

Program Details: Learn more about mandatory and elective activities, program organization, competencies, learning outcomes, and other important information here.

Mentors: List of Mentors

Tuition Fees: €1,000 per semester, totaling €6,000 for six semesters. There is no fee for repeating a year.

Further Information on the Application Process and Enrollment: More details

List of Defended Doctorates: View here

Additional Important Information for Doctoral Candidates:
