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Marija Žagmešter Kemfelja, external associate of the University Department of Sociology, received her doctorate

Marija Žagmešter Kemfelja, external associate of the University Department of Sociology, on Monday, January 13, 2025, defended her doctoral thesis Music in Society: An Analysis of Media Relations, Values ​​and Musical Preferences within the Sociology of Music in the Hall of Blessed Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac at our University.


The doctoral thesis was made under the mentorship of Assoc. prof. Ivan Balabanić, PhD, and with the commentary of Assoc. prof. Krunoslav Novak, PhD, and defended with the grade summa cum laude before the Committee for the Defense of Doctoral Thesis composed of prof. Gordan Črpić, PhD, Catholic University of Croatia, president; Assoc. prof. Miriam Mary Brgles, PhD, Catholic University of Croatia, member, and Assist. prof. Iva Hraste-Sočo, PhD, intendant of the Croatian National Theatre, external member.