Radio and television studio

The Catholic University of Croatia arranged and equipped a radio and television studio for the educational needs of its Communication studies students, especially through exercises in the subjects Radio Journalism, Television Journalism and Television Production.

The radio multimedia studio enables the production of professional audio-visual programs/broadcasts and, in addition to adequate sound insulation and professional radio microphones and a digital audio console, is also equipped with three remotely controlled high-resolution cameras.

The television studio covers an area of ​​about 60 square meters and is equipped with four professional television cameras, a teleprompter, television and ambient lighting with a total of three different positions for recording news, various television shows and video podcasts.  On the remaining 60 square meters of space, the main control room is located, in which the equipment for managing light, sound and image from the studio is installed, and four more smaller control rooms for image and sound editing, which allows students to work in conditions comparable to serious television stations. in Croatia and around the world, they acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills that they will need on the labor market.

Together with the radio multimedia studio, the newly renovated TV studio and editing rooms enable students of Communication studies and other studies of the Catholic University of Croatia to, in addition to their regular study obligations, express their creative potential in their free time and try their hand at audio and video production, with the help and supervision of their professors. - many of whom also have journalistic experience - create and broadcast radio, television and digital reports and shows that will benefit their professional and human development, as well as the promotion of the Catholic University of Croatia.