Members of the Senate of the Catholic University of Croatia:
prof. Željko Tanjić, PhD, rector
prof. Gordan Črpić, PhD, Vice-Rector for Organisation and Financial Affairs
prof. Hrvoje Štefančić, PhD
prof. Roko Mišetić, PhD, Vice-Rector for Teaching
prof. Roberto Antolović, PhD, Vice-Rector for Science
prof. Dalibor Karlović, PhD, Dean of School of Medicine
prof. Danijel Labaš, PhD, Head of Department of Communication Sciences
assist. prof. Dragan Glavaš, PhD, Head of Department of Psychology
assoc. prof. Mario Kevo, PhD, Head of Department of History
assoc. prof. Marta Čivljak, PhD
assoc. prof. Mario Bara, PhD
prof. Tomislav Domazet-Lošo, PhD, School of Medicine
assist. prof. Ivana Brstilo Lovrić, PhD, Head of Department of Sociology
prof. Dubravko Habek, PhD, School of Medicine
assist. prof. Odilon Singbo, PhD, University Department of Theology
assist. prof. Anto Mikić, PhD, Deputy Head of the University Department of Communication Sciences
Filip Hren, PhD, Department of History
Paula Zujić, mag. soc., representative of postgraduate university students
Stipe Markota, representative of graduate university students
Stjepan Kota, representative of undergraduate university students