Contact information - offices and working hoursCatholic University of Croatia |
IBAN: HR1123400091110353987 SWIFT (BIC): PBZGHR2X OIB: 07730927366 VAT: HR07730927366 PIC: 947889627 |
CentralPhone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 00 |
Student Affairs DepartmentPhone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 10 |
Rector: prof. Željko Tanjić, PhDRector's Office Head of Office: Ana Murphy, dipl. oec. Senior Expert Advisor: Mirta Pavić, mag. croat. et comm. Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 |
Vice-rectors:prof. Roberto Antolović, PhD, Vice-rector for Science Vice-rector's OfficeHead of Office: Sandra Kozinović, mag. educ. philol. angl. et mag. paed. Expert associate: Anita Petrinec, mag. educ. hist. art./mag. philol. pol., kustos Expert associate: Robert Tabula, mag. archeol.
Ured za međunarodnu suradnjuHead of Office: Anamarija Čulo Bačarka, mag. iur. |
Secretariat:University Secretary: Kristina Ćebetarević, mag. educ. philol. croat. et. mag. paed. (zamjena: Stanka Oršolić, mag. theol.) |
PR OfficeHead of PR Office: Suzana Obrovac Lipar, PhD Senior Expert Advisor: Ivana Kelava Crnov, mag. nov. Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 |
Legal, General and Personnel Affairs DepartmentHead of Department: Ivona Tenšek, mag.iur. Senior Expert Advisor: Mirjana Iličić, mag. iur. Associate: Ema Elizabeta Pokopac, mag. iur. Legal and HR Department |
Department of General AffairsSection of technical tasks Clerk: Tomislav Pipić Section for Auxiliary Affairs |
Department of Financial operations and AccountingDepartment for financial operations and analysis Accounting Department Accounting Officer: Anđelka Nimac Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 |
Student Affairs DepartmentHead of Department: Lada Lokmer, mag. act. soc. Department for students of undergraduate, graduate and integrated studies and trainees Associate: Mateja Janković, mag. anthrop. et mag. edu. phil. Department for postgraduate students Expert Associate: Eva Basa, mag. phil. Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9-13; additionally on Wednesdays, 16-17 |
Independent Department for Student Standards and Student SupportHead of Department: Ana Kožul, dipl. nov. (substitute: Ana Gizdić, mag. educ. philol. ang. et mag. paed.) Office of the Dean of school of MedicineHead of Department: Maja Škvorc, mag. hist. art. et mag. philol. ital. Office of the University Department of Nursing and the University Chair of TheologyHead of Office: Nikolina Kanić, mag. pol. Office of the University Department of HistoryHead of Office: Željka Bartulica, mag. iur. Office of the University Department of Communication Sciences and the University Department of SociologyHead of Office: Martina Pavić, struč. spec. admin. publ. Office of the University Department of PsychologyAdvisor: Edita Kitner, mag. prim. educ. Department for Administrative support of Program Preparation and Recognition of Foreign Higher Education QualificationsDepartment for Administrative support of study programs, professional development programs and other programs Head of Department: Žanina Žigo, PhD Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 Department for Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications, Periods of Study and Publishing |
University IT DepartmentHead of the IT Department: Tomislav Jukl, struč. spec. ing. techn. inf Department for Information Systems, Applications and Data Center Department for Information Systems and Applications: Department for Teaching support, E-learning and users: IT Consultant: Ivan Slivar, struč. spec. ing. info. techn. Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 |
Department for Strategic planning, Development and ProjectsHead of Department: Martina Tolić, struč. spec. crim.
Advisor: Ana Marija Ambrušec, mag. hist. Phone: +385 (0) 1 370 66 62 Phone: +385 (0) 1 370 66 62 Email: Department for Strategic Planning and Development Head of Section: Sven Simov, mag. geogr. et mag. educ. geogr. Phone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 62 Email: Department for Project Mobility Head of Department: Aleksandra Gečević, mag. soc. et mag. educ. soc. Phone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 62 |
Department of Quality Assurance |
University LibraryHead of the Library: mr. sc. Tomislav Murati, librarian consultant Department for acquisition and processing of library materials Department for library users Working hours: Borrowing/returning materials: Monday-Friday: 8-19 |
Information on the Program for the Acquisition of Teacher Competences:Phone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 10 Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8-16 |
Data Protection OfficerPhone: + 385 (0) 1 370 66 00 |
Information OfficerMirjana Iličić, mag. iur. |
Confidential person for internal reporting of irregularities:izv. prof. dr. sc. Ines Sabotič Deputy confidential person for internal reporting of irregularities: |