General information

How to get to the University

The Catholic University of Croatia is located on the western side of the city, in the area known as Sveti Duh, close to the Črnomerec transport terminal.

It may be reached by bus no. 109 (stop: Sveti Duh), by train to the Western Train Station and tram nos. 2, 6 and 11 (stop: Sveti Duh)

Google MAP Link

Student Identity Card (Iksica)

Regular students of the Catholic University of Croatia use student identity cards (iksica) to prove their student status and to exercise their student rights in the form of food, city transport etc.

Food at the University

There are several shops, cafés, bakers and catering establishments close to the University.

Health Care

Primary health care is provided in health centres. Preventive health care of students of the Catholic University of Croatia is provided by Branka Puškarić Saić, dr. med. Her surgery is in the Zagreb-Centre Health Centre, Trnje, Kruge 44. Tel.: 01/6156-019.

Surgery Hours: on even dates in the afternoon, on odd dates in the morning.

Information on Health Insurance


The Accessibility of the University Building for Persons with Disabilities

For persons with disabilities, it is recommended to use the entrance from the courtyard which has been made accessible for their use. Attendance of classes is possible on the first and second floors by using the lift. Toilet facilities are accessible for persons with disabilities.

The University Library

There is a University library on the premises of the Catholic University of Croatia. Apart from borrowing books from the library collection, it is also possible to study and read in the reading room, which is equipped with computers. It is possible to search the catalogue of the University library and other libraries on the University’s website.

Library opening hours: Monday -Thursday 8 am–7 pm, Friday: 8 am – 4.30 pm.

The Internet and Notices for Students at the University

Wireless internet is available for students at the University, as well as access to computers in the student facility Buksa and the library.

Students are given e-mail addresses: (the first letter of their name and their surname), through which official communication with teaching staff and University services takes place. Students are obliged to use the e-mail address given to them for communication with teaching staff and the Student Service, and all notices sent to that address shall be deemed to have been delivered.

Students shall register in the Loomen system and all notifications and materials related to classes in individual subjects in the Loomen system shall be deemed to have been delivered to the student.

Students of the Catholic University of Croatia may open accounts through the server the Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet), which gives them access to the internet outside the University, without payment of subscription and for the most favourable prices. Use of network services through CARNet is possible in two ways: from member institutions linked to CARNet, or individually through a CARNet modem (CMU). For further information, contact the Student Service.

Notices for students are available on the web site in the section Obavijesti studentima (Student Notices) and on the notice boards of the study departments on the ground floor of the University.

Printing Documents (PrintKvota)

Students of the Catholic University of Croatia are provided, through the PrintKvota project, with a simple and accessible way of printing documents for academic needs on the premises of the University itself. The printing facility located in the University corridor may be used for printing out documents. Students are assigned a certain number of free document print-outs, which corresponds to the academic needs of their study program.

The Student Facility “Buksa”

Students of the Catholic University of Croatia have the student facility Buksa available, which is located on the ground floor and equipped with computers.


Mass at the University

Mass is celebrated every day at the Catholic University of Croatia according to the schedule published on the University web site

Students of the Catholic University of Croatia go on pilgrimage in May to the Croatian National Shrine of the Holy Mother of God of Bistrica in Marija Bistrica, together with students from the University of Zagreb, and a votive pilgrimage of believers of the City of Zagreb to Marija Bistrica takes place at the beginning of September.

The Catholic University of Croatia organizes a large number of events, activities and discussion panels, which form and express the Catholic identity of the University.

telImportant Telephone Numbers

  • 112 – the single European number for emergency services
  • 11802 International Information
  • 11981 General Information
  • 11888 Telephone numbers in the network group
  • 1987 HAK (Croatian Automobile Association)



Information for Foreign Students

Regulation of stay for foreign students in Croatia: accurate and detailed information may be found on the web site of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia


General Information about Zagreb

As the capital city of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb is the university, educational, cultural, scientific, religious, economic, political and administrative centre of the country, where all the important state institutions are represented and present. Zagreb is also the largest city. According to the 2011 census, almost 20% of the population of the RC live in Zagreb (792,875 inhabitants).

The city was first mentioned in written sources more than 900 years ago, more exactly in 1094, when a diocese was founded on Kaptol hill. In 1242, on the neighbouring hill the Croatio-Hungarian King Bele IV founded Gradec, by a Golden Bull, as a free royal city. For a long period from the 14th to the 18th century, Zagreb succeeded in fending off the attacks by the Ottoman Empire, and developed into an important centre of the Croatian lands. In 1557 it became the capital of Croatia and in 1776 the seat of the Croatian Royal Council. At that time, in 1607, the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) founded the first grammar school and Academy, from which Zagreb University later developed. Zagreb began its full and comprehensive development and modernization after 1850, when Kaptol, Gradec and the surrounding villages became united into the city of Zagreb – the capital city of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia. Zagreb confirmed its function as the capital city in 1991, when it was declared to be the capital of the Republic of Croatia after independence.

Zagreb is the seat of the Zagreb Archdiocese, which has had many distinguished bishops, including the Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, who is the patron of the University. The patron saint of the City of Zagreb is the Holy Mother of God of the Stone Gate, whose saint’s day is celebrated on 31st May, which is also the day of the City of Zagreb.

Information on the City of Zagreb may be found on

Information of events in the City of Zagreb:

  • prof. dr. sc. Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, sveučilišna ECTS koordinatorica i predsjednica Povjerenstva
  • doc. dr. sc. Ivan Krešimir Lukić, ECTS koordinator Medicinskog fakulteta
  • doc. dr. sc. Suzana Peran, ECTS koordinator Sveučilišnog odjela za komunikologiju
  • doc. dr. sc. Stipe Ledić, ECTS koordinator Sveučilišnog odjela za povijest
  • doc. dr. sc. Martina Knežević, ECTS koordinator Sveučilišnog odjela za psihologiju
  • doc. dr. sc. Mate Car, ECTS koordinator Sveučilišnog odjela za sestrinstvo
  • doc. dr. sc. Miriam Mary Brgles, ECTS koordinator Sveučilišnog odjela za sociologiju
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