Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. Healthcare 5.0 paradigm shift: empowered patients & democratisation of healthcare. Healthcare 5.0: New perspectives in healthcare innovation and assessment, Rim, 25.-27. veljače 2024.
Poslon, L., Čartolovni, A. (2023). Outpacing the Trustworthiness in LLM Use in Medicine by Addressing Opacity and Enhancing Explainability. Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence – Philosophical explorations, 1.-2. prosinac 2023.
Malešević, A., Kolesarova, M., Čartolovni, A. I (Don’t) Understand How Medical AI Works: Attitudes of Medical Students on Ethical Issues of Digital Technologies Applied in Healthcare.11th International Conference on Ethics Education, 15.-17. lipanj 2023.
Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. The pretended and expected shift in the physician- patient relationship in medicine empowered by AI. STS Conference Graz 2023 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“, 8.-10. svibanj 2023.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. Croatia Full Of… Lag? Digital health in the light of European Cohesion. Zagreb, Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference, 14.-16. studeni 2022.
Poslon, L. Empowering trust by embedding fairness in medical AI algorithm. Ljubljana, Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies, 25. listopada 2022.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. Blending the Social and Solidarity Economy with Corporate Social Responsibility? Barriers and Opportunities in the Context of Digital Healthcare in Croatia. Zagreb, Practicing Solidarity for the Future, 14.-16. rujna 2022.
Čartolovni, A., AI as a third pillar in a future patient-physician relationship: the case of breast cancer screening. Varšava, 34. ESPMH konferencija „Diversity and Bioethics“, 24.-27. kolovoza 2022.
Poslon, L., Čartolovni, A., Dynamic informed consent in medical AI applications. Varšava, 34. ESPMH konferencija „Diversity and Bioethics“, 24.-27. kolovoza 2022.
Čartolovni, A., Malešević, A., Tomičić, A. Zagreb, International conference GoodBrother Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society, 28. lipnja 2022.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. Algorethical Aporia… and Beyond? – An Analysis of Empirical Evidence and Ethical Values in the Sphere of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Mali Lošinj, 20. Lošinjski dani bioetike, 15.-18. svibnja 2022.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. The missing P(iece) in ELSI research – moving past speculative ethics and reaffirming the political dimensions of digital health. Graz, STS Conference, 2.-4. svibnja 2022.
Malešević, A., Brgles, M. M., Tomičić, A., Čartolovni, A. Engaging critical thinking around future possibilities – health 4.0. and the scenario method. Leuven, European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2022, 2.-4. veljače 2022.
Zadro, J., Malešević, A. Info(Pan)demic – Beyond Individual’s Capacity?. Zagreb, International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference – Reader and reading in the Digital Age, 11. studeni 2021.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. Ceci n’est pas une… éthique! The question of art in the context of artificial intelligence and health ethics. Osijek, 4. Osječki dani bioetike, 8.-9. studeni 2021.
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A., Čartolovni, A. How far North is Digital Phenotyping?. Zagreb, The 2nd International Conference on the relation between Artificial intelligence, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 31. listopada 2021.
Tomičić, A., Čartolovni, A. Digital revolution vs digital pollution – can we have one without the other?. Zagreb, Laudato Si’ Conference, 4.-5. lipnja 2021.
Tomičić, A., Čartolovni, A. Are we ready for digital phenotyping? Some critical remarks. Graz, STS Conference, 3.-5. svibnja 2021.