Master's Degree

Overview of the Graduate Nursing Program

Academic Title: University Master of Nursing (univ. mag. med. techn.)
Duration: 4 semesters
Degree Requirements:

  • Completion of at least 120 ECTS credits
  • Passing all exams
  • Defense of a master’s thesis

Each semester, students enroll in mandatory and elective courses. Most courses use continuous assessment, including seminars, midterms, (clinical) exercises, and other activities, along with a final exam. This approach encourages consistent learning and better mastery of the curriculum.

What Will You Learn?
The graduate nursing program focuses on enhancing critical thinking, independence in work, mastering research methodology, and developing skills for creating and presenting scientific work. It also emphasizes personal and team responsibility in performing routine and complex tasks under both standard and emergency healthcare conditions.

Students gain specialized knowledge and skills in palliative medicine and care. By the end of the program, they develop social skills to improve communication with colleagues, patients, their families, and the broader community.

What’s Next After Graduation?
Graduates will be qualified to work at all levels of healthcare (primary, secondary, tertiary) and in non-healthcare settings such as educational institutions and other social welfare organizations.

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