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Medicinski navbar
About the school
Dean's word
General information
Mission, vision, strategy, saint protector
Professors and associates
University faculty
Boards and committees
Board for curriculum and students
Board for post graduate studies
Board for quality
Odbor za diplomske radove
Odbor za izdavačku djelatnost i nastavne tekstove
ECTS coordinator
Ethical committee
Enrollment committee
Transfer committee
Committee for dean's awards and School of Medicine recognitions
Documents and regulations
Teaching bases
Integrated undergraduate and graduate study of Medicine
About the study
Learning outcomes
Izvedbeni plan nastave
Curriculum and learning outcomes
I godina
II godina
III godina
IV godina
V godina
VI godina
I godina
II godina
III godina
IV godina
V godina
VI godina
Rules and formulars
Diplomski rad
Conditions for enrollment
Specialisation study
Rules and formulars
Specialisation work
Specialisation study for psychiatry
List of subjects
Conditions for enrollment
Curriculum timetable
Permanent doctor education
For integrated study
Higher learning
Specialisation study
Student guide
Student union
Rector's and dean's awards
Scientific works
Scientific projects
Popularisation of science and practice
School of medicine