Visiting Professors from South-West University "Neofit Rilski" at our University
As part of the Erasmus+ program, from November 25 to 29, 2024, the Catholic University of Croatia (CUC) hosted professors Iva Dimitrova and Vladislava Lndzhova from South-West University "Neofit Rilski" in Bulgaria.

During their visit, the professors met with the University’s Erasmus+ coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Turza, the Head of the Department of Sociology, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivana Brstilo Lovrić, ECTS coordinator of the Department of Sociology, Assist. Prof. Dr. Miriam Mary Brgles, and the Head of the Mobility Projects Department, Aleksandra Gečević, M.A.
Professor Vladislava Lndzhova delivered a guest lecture for undergraduate sociology students titled:
"The Future of Work in Rural Areas: How Digital Inclusion is Changing Labor Market Participation for Young People."
The lecture was accompanied by a workshop and a presentation of the work of The European Rural Youth Observatory (EURYO). Students were invited to join the working groups of this international organization.
The lecture was part of the mandatory Methodological Module of the doctoral program Sociology: Values, Identity, and Social Changes in Croatian Society but was also open to other interested attendees.
Welcoming speeches were given by the Vice-Rector for Organization and Business, Prof. Dr. Gordan Črpić, and the Head of the Department of Sociology, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivana Brstilo Lovrić, who expressed gratitude to Prof. Lndzhova for choosing CUC for her Erasmus mobility.
The lecture and workshop were attended by faculty members of the Department of Sociology, including event organizer Assist. Prof. Dr. Miriam Mary Brgles, Assist. Prof. Dr. Josip Ježovita, Dr. Karla Žagi, and teaching assistants Paula Zujić and Lovro Knežević.
Professor Iva Dimitrova delivered several guest lectures for undergraduate and graduate psychology students, covering various topics in the field of psychology.
This visit marks an important step in strengthening the collaboration between the Catholic University of Croatia and South-West University "Neofit Rilski," offering opportunities for knowledge exchange and enriching the academic experience for our students.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Professors Dimitrova and Lndzhova for their contributions and look forward to continued cooperation!