Brain Week celebrated at CUC
On Thursday, March 13, 2025, teachers and students of psychology at our University celebrated Brain Week, a scientific event that has been celebrated for the 24th year in a row throughout Croatia. The program included lectures on various topics in psychology and speech therapy focused on the impact of various concepts, technologies and content on the brain.
On behalf of the rector and the Catholic University of Croatia, the gathering was greeted by Prof. Roberto Antolović, Vice-Rector for Science at the Catholic University of Croatia, who emphasized that it was a special honor and pleasure to be part of a scientific event with such a long continuity. He thanked his colleagues who responded to the lectures they prepared and emphasized the importance of such programs, which continuously, year after year, deepen knowledge and insights in the field of psychology.

After Vice-Rector Antolović, the gathering was addressed by the Head of the University Department of Psychology, Assoc. Prof. Dragan Glavaš, Ph.D., who, in addition to thanking the speakers, expressed his joy that colleagues from different fields, as well as CUC alumni, are gathering at the University and sharing knowledge.

The program included lectures: Therapy Speak: The Role of Social Networks in Mental Health Education, given by Tonka Ribičić and Marina Banković from the Brave Phone Association; Mindfulness and Stress: How to Calm the Mind in a Non-Stop World, given by Filip Ćavar from the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences; Sign Language and the Brain, given by Tomislav Radošević from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation; (Dis)Connection of Smartphones and Executive Functions - A Critical Review of the Literature, given by Maja Kućar from the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences; The Impact of "Gaming" on the Developing Brain, given by Anamarija Gregurović, and Don't Be an NPC, Meet the NTC, given by Marija Draganović, Tea Deverić, Kristina Krivdić, Monika Peran and Hana Lavižati. The program was moderated by Katarina Užarević, a teaching assistant from the University Department of Psychology.