Start of the professor formation program for the Catholic identity of the University
On January 27, 2025, the implementation of the university teacher training program "Identity and Mission of the Catholic University of Croatia" began.

By turning this aspect of formation, the University tries to enable its employees, primarily teachers, to get to know the Catholic identity more deeply, which determines the reasons for its existence and directs the ways of its action. Catholic identity, in the light of the universality of Christ's gift of salvation, is directed towards the whole of humanity, lived in the academic context of mission and action, grafted into Croatian society. By advocating for a deeper understanding of the Catholic identity, the Christian belief is not imposed, but it is shown and opened up as an excellent possibility for the realization of the human and as a valuable inspiration for more dedicated academic activity and dedication to scientific work, as well as for true availability to students and their needs. Building a Catholic identity presupposes academic and scientific excellence and at the same time expands it, for the benefit of all stakeholders of the university and wider social community.
The employee training program is designed in three thematic modules: Christian image of man (elements of Christian anthropology); Catholic University - identity and mission; Higher education and science. Ten teaching hours are planned for each module. The program was designed by a working group led by Assoc. prof. Ines Sabotič, PhD.
The performance of the first module was organized on the days from January 27 to 30, and its leader was prof. Stjepan Kušar, PhD. In the first cycle of implementation, 31 teachers and professionals were enrolled in the program. The large response of teachers to participation in the formation for the Catholic identity and mission of the University shows a deep awareness of the need for better knowledge of the Catholic definition of academic work, as well as concern for the identity recognition of the Croatian Catholic University in the wider academic community of Croatian society. It is also necessary to note the demonstrated interest of the participants in personal growth and building for a more complete life in the light of Christ's gospel.
In three days of interesting presentations and discussions, under the title "Man - God's creation and God's image and opportunity", selected topics from Christian anthropology were considered: activities through which man "expresses himself" (knowing, asking, denying, producing, playing, create, be about relationships); Christianity as a special path and way of human life; the indestructible dignity of man; man being-in-relation; God's call, man's response and responsibility; human freedom.
Professor Kušar presented in a uniquely interesting way, combining the wisdom of Christian tradition, based on the Holy Scriptures, and rich knowledge from the treasury of philosophical thought, both ancient and medieval as well as modern and contemporary. Fruitful discussions revealed the need and interest in organizing regular thematic meetings (tribunes) on topics from the fields of Christian philosophy, theology and anthropology, for the benefit of the entire university and for the development of all its stakeholders.
The program of the formation was directed by its manager, prof. Ante Crnčević, PhD, vice-rector for quality, identity and mission, with the administrative support of the Quality Assurance Service. The participants of the first module also took part in lectures and a round table, organized as part of the Day of the Department of Theology of the Croatian Catholic University, on the topic "Jubilee and Living Hope".
The second thematic module of the formation program "Catholic identity and mission of the Croatian Catholic University" is planned for the month of March, and the third for the month of May. It is intended that all University teachers participate in one of the cycles of the Program that will be organized regularly, and a similar program, with specific topics, will be offered to non-teaching staff of the University.