Department of Theology Day celebration
On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the Day of the University Chair for Theology was celebrated at our University. The celebration began with a holy mass in the University Chapel led by assistant professor Richard Pavlić from the University Department of Theology, in concelebration with prof. Željko Tanjić, rector of the Croatian Catholic University, prof. Ante Crnčević, vice-rector for quality, identity and mission of CUC, prof. Jerko Valković from the University Department of Communication, assistant professor Ph.D. sc. Odilon Singbo from the University Department of Theology and the university chaplain, Rev. Branimir Jagodić.

In his homily, prof. Pavlić spoke about Jesus as a good and wise teacher and about the apostles as students. "Jesus shows himself to be a good and wise teacher who values knowledge, uses didactic tools well - he did not have access to audio-visual technologies, so he used the natural law of acoustics by climbing a mountain or entering a boat, so that everyone could see and hear him; he descended to the level of his students - he conveys complex messages through simple stories and parables, so that even the youngest can understand him; he is clear and concise in his sermons and gentle and patient with his students," explains Pavlić. "On the other hand, his disciples were not exactly the best disciples - we know that they did not understand many things that he said, but Jesus does not reject them, because as a teacher, not only knowledge is important to him, but also love, which is something his disciples later shoed at the highest level, by laying down their lives for him. Therefore, from the teacher-disciple relationship of Jesus and the apostles, there are visible messages for us: that the time of study or work should be an opportunity not only for acquiring knowledge, but also for practicing love for God and our neighbors, for growth in faith and spirituality; that we do not get discouraged when we are affected by crises - the apostles also had crises, and precisely those that call for our faith and trust; and that we try to do our best in our studies and work because God does it regularly blesses and rewards", concluded prof. Pavlić.

After the holy mass, celebration in the "Bl. Alojzije card. Stepinac" hall, a formal academic ceremony took place. Rector Tanjić greeted the gathering, who pointed out that the new academic year brings challenges, but also opportunities for the growth and development of the Department. "The department is currently in the reconstruction phase - our employees are also partly engaged in our new Faculty of Law and Technical Faculty. I use this opportunity to thank all the employees of the Department of Theology for their dedicated scientific, professional and ecclesiastical work. Your academic research, your contribution to theological thoughts and your involvement in the church and social community have an inestimable value, especially in a time that calls for a deeper reflection on the integration of faith and reason, science and theology, academic research and church mission. Today, when we celebrate Cathedral Day, we also celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-2025), one of the most important thinkers of the Christian tradition and philosophy in general. Thomas' reflection on the relationship between faith and reason remains a key contribution not only to theology, but also to contemporary philosophy and science. Saint Thomas emphasized that reason and faith are not opposed, but that they are complementary paths to the truth. Let this day be a reminder of our responsibility to nurture theological and scientific excellence in the spirit of faith, reason and service to the community. This year, the Church enters a special time of grace and spiritual renewal - the Jubilee of Hope proclaimed by Pope Francis. We are all called to open our hearts to this year of grace and reflect on the Christian hope that does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). Let this Jubilee be an incentive for us to strengthen academic and personal solidarity, to be busy in the service of the common good, and for courage in facing the challenges of modern society. I believe that through intellectual and spiritual growth, mutual support and togetherness, we will walk together on the path of hope that shapes our future," the rector concluded.

After the rector, the coordinator of the University Department of Theology, Assoc. prof. Ph.D. sc. Zoran Turza presented the Department's activities and achievements in the past academic year, noting that colleagues participated in a large number of scientific projects, appeared at scientific and professional meetings, published or prepared for publication several scientific papers of the A1 category, mentored numerous papers and generally participated in scientific, professional and teaching activities at a high level.

In the second part of the ceremonial academic act, prof. Ph.D. sc. Fr. Ante Crnčević held the introductory presentation "The Jubilee and the Living of Hope", offering a frame of mind for the discussion of hope and its essential Christian determinants, especially hope viewed in the light of eschatological communion with God. He based his thoughts on the etymological analysis and semantic nuances of the motto of the Jubilee "Peregrinantes in spem", which is more literally translated as "Pilgrims in hope" or "Pilgrims in hope". In this light, he emphasized hope as the goal of the Christian walk, understood as a pilgrimage, where hope is understood as God's own name, that is, as another name for divine life and for man's ultimate participation in God. While shedding light on the etymological origin of the Latin term hope (spes and the root sp), he presented hope as life's stretching towards eternity, that is, as a tension that permanently connects the moments of present life with eternity. He supported his thoughts with images from liturgical eulogy, in which the experience of hope is presented as "the anticipation of hope". These interesting insights into linguistic nuances opened up space for an interesting discussion and for questioning about hope as a fundamental Christian determinant, which goes beyond natural emotional moods.

After the vice-rector's lecture, a round table was held on the topic of the Jubilee, in which Assoc. prof. Ph.D. sc. Richard Pavlić, prof. Ph.D. sc. Ante Crnčević and Prof. Ph.D. sc. Stjepan Kušar. The round table was moderated by Assoc. Ph.D. sc. Odilon Singbo, and in their presentations the speakers offered different views on the meaning of the Jubilee, through hope in faith, as the greatest kind of love we receive from God, but they also looked at the topics of so-called "existential fragility" and the importance of hope even in the most difficult moments of life. The event was moderated by Petra Kašnar, a student of the double-subject study of theological-religious sciences and sociology.