
[Dnevno raspoloženje i digitalni uređaj]

Na 26. bienalnoj konferenciji International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development održanoj od 19. do 23. lipnja na grčkom otoku Rodosu, Ana Žulec je predstavila rad „Deprimira li me moj uređaj? – Povezanost  korištenja digitalne tehnologije kod djece i njihovog dnevnog raspoloženja”. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi obrasce promjene dnevnog raspoloženja djece u odnosu na njihovo dnevno korištenje digitalne tehnologije.

Za potrebe ovog istraživanja izrađen je dnevnik medija kojega je ispunilo 57 djece prosječne starosti 9 godina. Rezultati pokazuju kako djeca, u prosjeku, uređaje digitalne tehnologije koriste  3 sata dnevno i uglavnom se osjećaju ugodno. Utvrđena je niska,  značajna negativna korelacija između vremena korištenja uređaja i dnevnog raspoloženja djece. Što su djeca više vremena dnevno provodila koristeći uređaje digitalne tehnologije, to su više izvještavala o  neugodnim raspoloženjima tijekom dana.

At the 26th Biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development held from June 19 to 23 on the Greek island of Rhodes Ana Žulec presented a paper ''Is my digital device bringing me down? The association of digital technology use in children and their daily mood''. The aim of the study was to determine patterns of change in the daily mood of children in relation to their daily time of digital technlogy use.

For the purposes of this study a media diary was created and was filled out by 57 children with an average age of 9 years. Results show that children use digital devices for an average of 3 hours a day and mostly feel pleasant.

There was a small significant negative correlation between the daily time of DT use in children and the children’s daily mood. The more time the children spent per day using digital devices, the more they reported negative and unpleasant moods during the day.