studiji nastava


Članica istraživačke grupe Matea Bodrožić Selak je od 07. do 09. rujna 2022. sudjelovala na ljetnoj školi u organizaciji The European Family Support Network pod nazivom „How do we generate evidence in family/parenting support?“. Ljetna škola je održana na Kanarskim otocima, Tenerife, Španjolska. Tijekom ljetne škole odslušala je predavanja na temu efikasnosti različitih varijabli u kontekstu obiteljske podrške, osnaživanja obitelji, implementacije i evaluacije različitih programa roditeljstva te upotrebe digitalne tehnologije za promicanje obiteljske podrške. Na ljetnoj školi izlagala je rad pod nazivom „Technoference in the family context”, u okviru kojega je predstavila naš istraživački projekt.
From September 7th to 9th, 2022, Matea Bodrožić Selak, member of the research group, participated in the summer school organized by the European Family Support Network entitled "How do we generate evidence in family/parenting support?". The summer school took place in the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Spain. During the summer school, she attended lectures on the effectiveness of variables related to family support, strengthening families, implementing and evaluating different parenting programs, and using digital technology to promote family support. At the summer school, she presented a paper entitled "Technoference in the family context", through which she presented our research project.