

Znanstveni članak pod nazivom ‘’Children's and parents' perspectives on the effects of children's digital technology use’’, autori: Ana Žulec, Vanesa Varga i Luka Štefanić, prihvaćen je za objavu u časopisu Interacting with Computers . Ovaj rad istražuje učinke korištenja digitalne tehnologije na djecu iz dječje i roditeljske perspektive. Podatci su dio Studije 1 projekta, a prikupljeni su metodom fokus grupa s djecom u dobi od 9 do 15 godina i njihovim roditeljima. Analizom odgovora djece i roditelja utvrđeno je da djeca i roditelji percipiraju različite pozitivne i negativne učinke uporabe digitalne tehnologije na emocionalni, bihevioralni, fizički, socijalni i kognitivni razvoj djece. Roditelji se uglavnom fokusiraju na negativne učinke korištenja digitalne tehnologije na djecu, posebice na problematično korištenje digitalne tehnologije kod djece. Nadalje, djeca su svjesna da ih digitalna tehnologija ometa, posebno tijekom obavljanja školskih zadataka, te stoga namjerno odmiču svoje digitalne uređaje od sebe. Ovaj rad doprinosi uvidu u dječju i roditeljsku perspektivu korištenja digitalne tehnologije kod djece te ističe važnost poticanja pozitivnih učinaka korištenja digitalne tehnologije i interveniranje u slučaju negativnih učinaka korištenja digitalne tehnologije na djecu.

The scientific article entitled "Children's and parents' perspectives on the effects of children's digital technology use", authors Ana Žulec, Vanesa Varga and Luka Štefanić, was accepted for publication in the journal Interacting with Computers . This paper investigates the effects of using digital technology on children from the child's and parent's perspective. The data is part of Study 1 of the project and was collected with focus group method with children aged 9 to 15 and their parents. By analysing the responses of children and parents, it was found that children and parents perceive different positive and negative effects of the use of digital technology on the emotional, behavioural, physical, social and cognitive development of children. Parents mainly focus on the negative effects of the use of digital technology on children, especially on the problematic use of digital technology. Furthermore, children are aware that digital technology distracts them, especially during schoolwork, and therefore. they deliberately move their digital devices away from them. This paper contributes to the insight into children's and parents' perspectives on children’s digital technology use and highlights the importance of encouraging the positive effects of using digital technology and intervening in the case of negative effects of using digital technology on children.