Detaljni izvedbeni plan

Akademska godina 2023. / 2024. Semestar Zimski

Sveučilišni diplomski studij komunikologije
Godina studija:

Sveučilišni diplomski studij komunikologije: 1., 2.;
Usmjerenje Znanstveno istraživanje medija i odnosi s javnošću


Naziv predmeta Public relations in the nonprofit sector
Kratica predmeta IZBD226 Šifra predmeta 236180
Status predmeta Izborni ECTS bodovi 3
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta Nema
Ukupno opterećenje predmeta
Vrsta nastave Ukupno sati
Predavanja 30
Vježbe 15
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja nastave HKS – prema objavljenom rasporedu


Nositelj predmeta
Ime i prezime Matilda Kolić Stanić
Akademski stupanj/naziv Doktorica znanosti Izbor Docent
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 6706 607
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu
Suradnici na predmetu
Ime i prezime Kristijan Sedak
Akademski stupanj/naziv Doktor znanosti Izbor Viši asistent
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 3706 651
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Jezik na kojem se nastava održava Engleski

The peculiarity of public relations of associations and foundations, organizations established with the aim to satisfy various general, social and humanitarian needs lies in their goal and funding. No matter of the segment they deal with, they help people and do not have permanent and reliable sources. Therefore, public relations in the non-profit sector faces specific tasks from recruiting volunteers to planning and implementing fundraising campaigns. Minimum budget campaigns, donor relations, gaining public favor for the organization’s mission, collaboration with agencies on pro bono campaigns are also organized by other public relations sectors, but the non-profit sector is the only one that depends on their success. Celebrities are happy to participate in charity campaigns.

This course relies on the theory and practice of public relations in general and covers all aspects of strategic communication in the civil sector. The final project is a case study of a non-profit organization from a public relations perspective that is submitted before the final exam.

Očekivani ishodi
učenja na razini
Independently prepare ethical communication campaigns for awareness raising. Specify the criteria for selecting key messages. Plan non-profit branding tools. Segment the target audiences of a nonprofit organization. Understand the Croatian legislative framework within the scope of associations and foundations. Explain the specifics of public relations in the non-profit sector.

Kanter, B., Paine, K. (2012) Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World, Wiley & Sons, New York

Waters, R. D. (ed.) (2015) Public Relations in the Nonprofit Sector – Theory and Practice, Routledge, New York & London


Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., Najev Čačija, Lj., Mihanović, Z., Matković, J. (2013) Osnove marketinga i menadžmenta neprofitnih organizacija, Školska knjiga & Institut za inovacije, Zagreb

Hajoš, B. i Skoko, B. (ed.) (2009) Odnosi s javnošću za organizacije civilnoga društva, HUOJ & Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva, Zagreb

Miller, K. L. (2013) Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money, Jossey-Bass, New Yersey

Radalj, M.  (2018) Odnosi s javnošću u neprofitnim organizacijama, HUOJ & Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada

Način ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja
Polaže seDa Isključivo kontinuirano praćenje nastaveNe Ulazi u prosjekDa
Preduvjeti za dobivanje
potpisa i polaganje
završnog ispita
  • Regular class attendance (attendance at at least 70% of classes)
  • Gaining a minimum of 35 points (out of a total of 100) during classes
  • Final project submitted
Način polaganja ispita

Continuous evaluation of student work through teaching activities 

Final exam (minimum for passing the exam is 50%)

Način ocjenjivanja

Teaching activities – 70%: a) colloquium – 20%, b) exercises 20%, c) final project – 30%

Final exam – 30%


The numerical scale for grading:

insufficient (1) – 0 do 49,9%

sufficient  (2) – 50 do 64,9%

good (3) – 65 do 79,9%

very good (4) – 80 do 89,9%

excellent  (5) – 90 do 100%

Detaljan prikaz ocjenjivanja unutar Europskoga sustava za prijenos bodova
VRSTA AKTIVNOSTI ECTS bodovi - koeficijent
opterećenja studenata

Pohađanje nastave 0.66 0
Rad na vježbama 0.34 20
Kolokvij-međuispit 0.5 20
Projekt 0.5 30
Ukupno tijekom nastave 2 70
Završni ispit 1 30
UKUPNO BODOVA (nastava+zav.ispit) 3 100
Datumi kolokvija
Datumi ispitnih rokova Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Tjedan Tema
1. Types and peculiarities of non-profit organizations in public relations
2. Legislation of non-profit organizations
3. Segmentation of target audiences - stakeholders of non-profit organizations
4. Creating, measuring, monitoring and managing the reputation of an organization
5. Internal communication of non-profit organizations Acquiring, educating and motivating volunteers and members
6. Gaining public opinion for the mission of the organization Building a base of supporters through a strong brand
7. Media relations - establishing and maintaining relationships with media representatives
8. Digital media and the civil sector
9. Awareness campaigns for non-profit organizations
10. Nonprofit Branding Tools
11. Fundrising, crowdfunding and brandraising Donor relations
12. Organizational cohesion and social impact Pro bono campaigns - a meeting place with professional agencies
13. The importance of transparent funding communication
14. Public relations of international non-profit organizations Corporate social responsibility - the basis of cooperation with the private sector
15. Negative impact of scandals on the organization's reputation How to make a good campaign without a budget
Tjedan Tema
1. RACE, Planning, leading, organising, controlling
2. List of core values
3. Action planning
4. Media relations and media list
5. Brand recognition
6. Reputation building
7. Petitioning
8. Digital media strategy
9. Spokeperson's training
10. Branding tools
11. Crowdfunding
12. Event management
13. Awareness campaign setting
14. Supporter acquisition and supporter retention
15. Trend recognition