Detaljni izvedbeni plan

Akademska godina 2022. / 2023. Semestar Ljetni

Diplomski sveučilišni studij komunikologije
Godina studija:

Diplomski sveučilišni studij komunikologije: 1., 2.;
Usmjerenje Znanstveno istraživanje medija i odnosi s javnošću, Interkulturalna komunikacija i novinarstvo


Naziv predmeta The Ethics of Memory
Kratica predmeta IZBD-103 Šifra predmeta 172525
Status predmeta Izborni ECTS bodovi 4
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta Nema
Ukupno opterećenje predmeta
Vrsta nastave Ukupno sati
Predavanja 30
Seminari 15
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja nastave HKS – prema objavljenom rasporedu


Nositelj predmeta
Ime i prezime Jasna Ćurković Nimac
Akademski stupanj/naziv Doktorica znanosti Zvanje Izvanredni profesor
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 3706 657
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Jezik na kojem se nastava održava Engleski

The aim of this course is to explore the normative and formative dimension of memory.  The course starts with the representation of history of memory (pointing out to the most prominent authors in the field) and then engages with the recurring ethical questions pertaining to the uses of the past:  whether we have any ethical obligation to remember  (e.g. the “memory imperative” driven by delayed reactions to the atrocities of the World War II and Holocaust); what we should remember and who are the (co)creators of collective memory”; how should we employ memories; and what are the ethical criteria for the uses of the past and right measure between too much and too little memory. The course focuses on both individual and collective memory and on a diachronic dimension of coping with the past, which is not only backward-looking but also future-oriented (identity polices, reconciliation, lustration laws, transitional justice, ecc.). 

Očekivani ishodi
učenja na razini
Evaluate the phenomenon of memory as a medium and its communicative dimension. Identify ways in which public and media memory influences the construction of personal and ethnic identity. Highlight the role of media and interpersonal communication in preventing political, religious or ethnic memory abuse.

Misztal, B. A. (2003). Theories of Social Remembering, Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Margalit, A. (2004). The Ethics of Memory, Cambridge London: Harvard University Press.

Connerton, P. (1989.) How Societies Remember, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Blustein, J. (2008). The Moral Demands of Memory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Todorov, T. (2001). Gli abusi della memoria, Napoli: Ipermedium Libri;  Halbwachs, M. (1987). La memoria collettiva, Milano: Unicopoli; Ricoeur, P. (2004). Memory, History, Forgetting. Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press; Booth, J. W. (2006). Communities of Memory: On Witness, Identity, and Justice, Ithaca: Cornell University Press; Brkljačić M., Prlenda, S. (2006). Kultura pamćenja i historija, Zagreb: Golden Marketing- Thenička knjiga. Volf, M. (2012). Zrcalo sjećanja. Ispravno pamćenje u nasilnu svijetu, Rijeka: Ex Libris; Assman, J. (2005.) Kulturno pamćenje, Zenica: Vrijema;

Način ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja
Polaže seDa Isključivo kontinuirano praćenje nastaveNe Ulazi u prosjekDa
Preduvjeti za dobivanje
potpisa i polaganje
završnog ispita
  1. Class Attendance: mandatory 70% attendance is required;
  2. Seminar Assignments: in-class presentation and seminar paper;

   A minimum of 35% of the grade should be acquired through regular course activities: seminar assignments and two midterm exams

Način polaganja ispita
  1. Course activities: seminar assignments; Midterm Exam 1 (written), Midterm Exam 2 (written)

           Final Exam (oral)

Način ocjenjivanja

Grading Scale:

Failure (1) – 0 do 49,9%

Satisfactory (2) – 50 do 64,9%

Good (3) – 65 do 79,9%

Very Good (4) – 80 do 89,9%

Excellent (5) – 90 do 100%


Final Grade Calculation:

  1. a) In-class Activities – 70%

     1) Seminar Assignments – 20%

     2) Mid term 1 – 25%

     3) Mid term 2 – 25%

b) Final Exam – 30%

Detaljan prikaz ocjenjivanja unutar Europskoga sustava za prijenos bodova
VRSTA AKTIVNOSTI ECTS bodovi - koeficijent
opterećenja studenata

Pohađanje nastave 1.2 0
Seminarsko izlaganje 0.6 20
Kolokvij-međuispit 0.7 25
Kolokvij-međuispit 0.7 25
Ukupno tijekom nastave 3.2 70
Završni ispit 0.8 30
UKUPNO BODOVA (nastava+zav.ispit) 4 100
Datumi kolokvija Week 6 and Week 12
Datumi ispitnih rokova Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Tjedan Tema
1. The Memory Phenomenon: Nature and Functions
2. A Short History of Memory
3. Memory Transmission
4. Memory and (Narrative) Identity
5. Memory and Emotions
6. Midterm 1
7. Memory and Mass Media
8. Memory and Religion
9. The Memory Imperative
10. Traumatic Memories
11. The Abuses of Memory
12. Midterm 2
13. Memory, Truth and Reconciliation
14. Transitional Justice, Lustration
15. Amnesty, Forgetting, Forgiveness
Tjedan Tema
1. Memory and Forgetting in Greek Mythology
2. Ars memoria
3. Memory, History, Tradition
4. Memory and European Identity
5. Freud on Remembering and Forgetting
6. Midterm 1
7. Prosthetic Memory
8. What Does the Bible Say About Memory?
9. Remembering and Misremembering Holocaust
10. False Memory Syndrome
11. Foucault on “Counter Memory”
12. Midterm 2
13. South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
14. Lustration in Post-Communist Countries
15. Nietzsche on the Uses and Abuses of History