Detaljni izvedbeni plan

Akademska godina 2018. / 2019. Semestar Ljetni
Studij Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij povijesti Godina
1. - 3.


Naziv predmeta Ecohistory: society and the environment through time
Kratica predmeta IZBP-157 Šifra predmeta 195126
Status predmeta Izborni ECTS bodovi 5
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta Nema
Ukupno opterećenje predmeta
Vrsta nastave Ukupno sati
Predavanja 30
Seminari 15
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja nastave HKS – prema objavljenom rasporedu


Nositelj predmeta
Ime i prezime Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić
Akademski stupanj doktor znanosti Zvanje Docent
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 3706 628
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu
Suradnici na predmetu
Ime i prezime Krešimir Vuković
Akademski stupanj doktor znanosti Zvanje Poslijedoktorand
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1)
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Jezik na kojem se nastava održava Engleski

Scientific studies leave no doubt that we live beyond our means and destroy natural resources faster than they can be replaced. The excessive consumption that drives our modern lifestyle devastates whole ecosystems and drives environmental and climatic change. But we are not the only generation to face ecological problems. All historical societies show some awareness of the natural environment and its role in their development. Eco history is a branch of history that studies human interaction with the natural world over time. This course looks at several historical civilizations and explains the role of the environment in their development. From the construction of Stonehenge to the Indo-Europeans, astronomy plays a key role in early civilizations. The civilizations of the Indus valley and Mesopotamia were entirely dependent on their fluvial environment and the history of Egypt and Rome could hardly be told without the Nile and the Tiber. A new argument has recently been advanced linking the rise and fall of the Roman Empire to periods of climate change. Finally, the course ends by offering some modern perspectives such as the role of the Frontier in United States expansion and the mythic role of Velebit mountain in Croatian history.

Očekivani ishodi
učenja na razini
1. To define the role of the environment in relation to early civilizations. 2. To explain the role of astronomy in relation to the calendar 3. To compare different civilizations and their relationship to the environment 4. To understand and define key concepts of ecocriticism, ecohistory and ecology 5. To situate periods of climate change on a chronological axis and be able to argue about their role in the Greek and Roman expansion 6. To develop critical thinking and awareness of environmental problems in history 7. To raise awareness of ecological and environmental problems in general. 8. To write a clear and structured seminar paper.

L. Thommen, An Environmental History of Ancient Greece and Rome, Cambridge, 2012 (select chapters); K. Harper, The Fate of Rome, Princeton, 2017 (chapter 2); Schliephake, C. (ed.) Ecocriticism, Ecology, and the Cultures of Antiquity (London) (selection), London, 2017; S. Wallech et. al., World History, a Concise Thematic Analysis (chapters 2 and 7), Oxford, 2012; R. Slotkin, The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization 1800-1890. New York, 1985. (chapter 2).


S. Dalley, Myths of Mesopotamia, Oxford, 2006; A.C. Isenberg, The Oxford Handbook of Environmental History, Oxford, 2014; Gaffney, C, et al. “The Stonehenge hidden landscapes project.” Archaeological Prospection 19.2 (2012): 147-155; Lučić, I. “Velebit kao Vila Velebita”, Ekonomska i ekohistorija 9.1: 133-49; Vuković, K. and D. Nečas Hraste, “Virgins and Prostitutes in Roman Mythology”, Latomus 74.2 (2015): 313-38; H. Gasche and M. Tanret (eds.), Changing Watercourses in Babylonia, Chicago, 1998.

Način ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja
Polaže seDa Isključivo kontinuirano praćenje nastaveNe Ulazi u prosjekDa
Preduvjeti za dobivanje
potpisa i polaganje
završnog ispita

1. Regular attendance – a minimum 70% class attendance.
2. Completed seminar paper on time – presentation and timely delivery of the seminar paper which needs to be vetted by the instructor.
3. Acquiring at least 35% in class activities – on a cumulative basis.

Način polaganja ispita
  1. Class activities:

         seminar paper;

        1st written mid-term paper and 2nd written end-term paper;

       2.   Final exam (oral).

Način ocjenjivanja

Numerical gradation:
Fail (1) – 0 up to 49,9 %
Pass (2) – 50 up to 64,9 %
Lower second (3) – 65 up to 79,9 %
Upper second (4) – 80 up to 89,9 %
First (5) – 90 up to 100 %

a) Class activities – 70 % of the grade
• seminar paper – 10 %
• 1st mid-term exam – 30 %
• 2nd end-term exam 30 %
b) Final exam – 30 %
• final oral exam – 30 %

Detaljan prikaz ocjenjivanja unutar Europskoga sustava za prijenos bodova
VRSTA AKTIVNOSTI ECTS bodovi - koeficijent
opterećenja studenata

Pohađanje nastave 1.2 0
Seminarski rad 0.3 10
Kolokvij-međuispit 1.15 30
Kolokvij-međuispit 1.15 30
Ukupno tijekom nastave 3.8 70
Završni ispit 1.2 30
UKUPNO BODOVA (nastava+zav.ispit) 5 100
Datumi kolokvija Midterm Exam 1: 8th term ; Midterm Exam 2: 15th term
Datumi ispitnih rokova Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Tjedan Tema
1. Introduction
2. Stonehenge, early civilization and solar phenomena
3. The rivers of life: Indus, Mesopotamia, Egypt
4. Mother Earth: Demeter, the seasons, and the calendar
5. Early Greece and the pre-Socratics
6. Greek environmental determinism
7. Early Rome: myth, history and the environment
8. Mid-term exam
9. The City of Rome: fire and water
10. The Roman Climate Optimum and the “fate of Rome”
11. Augustus and imperium sine fine
12. Trajan’s trees and Marcus Aurelius’ storm
13. The Wild West and the Frontier
14. Vila of Velebit and Croatian ecohistory
15. End-term exam
Tjedan Tema
1. Indo-European solar myths
2. The Nile in Egyptian mythology
3. The epic of Atrahasis
4. Heraclitus’ philosophy
5. Homeric hymn to Demeter
6. Hippocrates’ On Airs, Waters, and Places
7. Vertumnus in Propertius and Ovid
8. Mid-term exam
9. Ovid’s Fasti book 6
10. Cato the Elder’s De Agri Cultura
11. Vergil’s Aeneid, books 7-9
12. Trajan’s column in Rome
13. Jackson Turner’s "The Significance of the Frontier in American History"
14. The poem “Vila Velebita”
15. End-term exam