Welcome to the Digital Health Conference!
Dear colleagues,
We want to greet you all and wholeheartedly welcome to our first international conference about digital health. In these challenging times, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we more than ever witness the importance of digital technologies in healthcare. Furthermore, as the development of new technologies (AI or Big data) is perceived as a promising factor in improving and leading to more personalized healthcare, we risk neglecting the underlying issues. Therefore, the main idea of this conference would be to critically reflect on the fast-developing phenomenon of digital health by taking into consideration the ethical, legal and social perspective.
We consider the conference topic very much needed, and we invite you to join and participate actively. We are sure with your contribution and participation the proposed thematic areas will be expanded.
We warmly welcome you in Zagreb on 9th and 10th of December 2020.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing team, we look forward to meet you soon!
Anto Čartolovni, PhD.
President of the Organizing Committee
Call for Abstracts
This international conference will be organized by the newly established Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL), Catholic University of Croatia, Zagreb.
The conference will focus on ethical, legal and social challenges posed by digital technologies in healthcare.
Abstracts addressing any of the issues enlisted below from an ethical, and/or legal, and/or social perspective will be favoured, although work on other topics can also be submitted.
Issues of interest include, but are not limited to:
Important dates and information:
Abstract submission deadline: October 1st 2020 extended to November 1st
Notification of acceptance: October 10th 2020 extended to November 10th
Registration deadline: November 15th 2020 extended to December 1st
As the situation with COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, the Conference will be organized as a virtual online event!
Anyone wishing to present a paper at the conference should submit an abstract in Word format (500 words maximum).
The Scientific Conference Program Committee will select abstracts for oral presentation.
Please send abstracts by e-mail: digit-heal@unicath.hr
Tamar Sharon,
Associate Professor, iHub- Radboud Interdisciplinary Hub for Security, Privacy and Data Governance, Radboud University (NL)
Robin L. Pierce,
Associate Professor, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University (NL)
Nina Hallowell,
Associate Professor Ethox Centre, University of Oxford (UK)
Marcello Ienca,
Senior Researcher, Health Ethics & Policy Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich (CH)

- Important dates
Registration open until December 1st, 2020
- Registration fees
As these times of COVID-19 pandemic require from us more solidarity than ever, the Organisational board decided to waive the registration fees for the registered participants to our online event!
Catholic University of Croatia is located on the west side of the city of Zagreb, at the address Ilica 242. The entrance to the campus is from Domobranska street.
Public transportation
From the central square – Ban Jelačić square – 6 tram stops, lines 6 or 11, destination Črnomerec, get off at stop Sveti Duh.
From the Zagreb Central train station (croat. Zagreb Glavni kolodvor) – 8 tram stops lines 6 or 2, destination Črnomerec, get off at stop Sveti Duh.
From the Zagreb Bus Station (croat. Autobusni kolodvor) – 9 tram stops. lines 6 or 2, destination Črnomerec, get off at Sveti Duh.
Parking at the Campus
At the Campus (entrance from Domobranska street) visitors can use the outdoor parking facility, for 4 HRK per hour. Outside the Campus, there is a roadside parking with hourly parking rates determined by Zagrebparking (Zone III).
We kindly ask the media interested in the Digital Health: ethical, legal and social perspective for a sustainable future to contact Public Relations Office at the Catholic University of Croatia at
E-mail: pr@unicath.hr or pr1@unicath.hr
Phone: 00 385 (0)1 3706 659 or 00385 (0)1 3706 357
If possible, we will provide all material and schedule the meetings with speakers and attendees.
For admittance, media members are required to show press credentials. Members of the media without proper ID will not be admitted.
Media members must identify themselves as media at all times. That includes, but is not limited to:
– Wearing a press badge (easily visible)
– During Q&A, first introducing yourself as (your name), reporting for X publication. Then asking your question.
– During interviews, formal or informal, with speakers or attendees
– At the registration desk, before entering the banquet hall
– Tape recording is forbidden, without prior speaker (or attendee) consent.
We inform you that Digital Health: ethical, legal and social perspective for a sustainable future should be mentioned in any article containing information gathered at the Conference.