
PhD fellow Anamaria Malešević at the University of Oxford
Research assistant in the Digital Healthcare Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL) Anamaria Malešević is spending summer time at the University of Oxford as part of the Summer doctoral program (SDP). The Oxford Internet Institute gathers outstanding PhD students from around the world for its SDP at the leading global university, the University of Oxford. This year, the prestigious program invited 30 PhD students from North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe who are conducting research related to the Internet and other digital technologies in their dissertations. It is also an opportunity to present their research and connect with students and experts in the field....

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Digit-HeaL at 11th International Conference on Ethics Education
From June 15th to 17th, the 11th International Conference on Ethics Education – Ethics Education, Interdisciplinarity, and Pluriperspectivism took place in Zagreb, organized by the International Association for Education in Ethics. Members of the Digit-HeaL research group, Anamaria Malešević, Mária Kolesárová, and Anto Čartolovni, presented a paper titled I (Don’t) Understand How Medical AI Works: Attitudes of Medical Students on Ethical Issues of Digital Technologies Applied in Healthcare. The presentation was based on the results of a quantitative study conducted earlier by the research group among medical students in Croatia and Slovakia. The book of...

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Asst. Prof. Čartolovni participated at the panel “AI in healthcare – who is listenening to whom?”
  Student Council at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, organized a public health panel entitled “AI in healthcare – Who is listening to whom?” on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The panel focused on the future of  pharmaceutical and medical-biochemical professions. The panel’s major objective was to examine what are the possible benefits that AI might provide for enhancement of healthcare system and what are the potential risks. Anto Čartolovni, head of the Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL) and Asst. Prof. at the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Croatia participated in the panel alongside Asst. Prof. Klaudija...

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PhD fellow of the Digit-HeaL research group attended 21st Lošinj Days of Bioethics
PhD fellow Luka Poslon from the Digital Healthcare Ethics (Digit-HeaL) laboratory attended the 21st Lošinj Days of Bioethics which took place from May 14 to 17, 2023 on Mali Lošinj. The conference was organized by the Croatian Philosophical Society, the Croatian Bioethical Society, and the town of Mali Lošinj. The program consisted of the international symposium Integrative Bioethics and the New Era, the student bioethics workshop Bioethics, the Environment and Non-Human Living Beings and the round table Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, in which our PhD fellow Poslon took part. In a lecture titled Using Explainable AI to Reach ChatGPT’s Full...

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