
Good morning, Croatia – Television guest appearance
On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, Anamaria Malešević and Luka Poslon were featured on Good Morning, Croatia in the Digital Morning broadcast, where they introduced the Digital Health Care Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL): a 7-member interdisciplinary research group funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (HrZZ) and the Catholic University of Croatia (HKS), and led by Assistant Professor Anto Čartolovni. They outlined the primary goal of their research group is to inform the responsible innovation, development and implementation of digital technologies in healthcare. Anamaria and Luka gave a brief overview of the team’s plans for the future. They shared their positive...

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Info(pan)demia – Out of our Reach?
On Thursday, November 11, 2021, the Department of Communication Science at the Catholic University of Croatia organized an online international interdisciplinary scientific conference Reader and Reading in the Digital Age. The conference brought together leading experts from Croatia and abroad – communication scientists, psychologists, neurologists, media literacy experts, rehabilitation educators, teachers of various professions and fields dealing with reading and facing many challenges related to reading – and approach the phenomenon of reading from different starting points. The conference brought together 130 speakers and about 1,000 listeners, with the...

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4th Osijek Days of Bioethics
At the international conference of the 4th Osijek Days of Bioethics in Osijek, on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Ana Tomičić, Anamaria Malešević, and Anto Čartoloni delivered a talk entitled: “Ceci n’est pas une… éthique! The question of art in the context of artificial intelligence and health ethics“. The presentation referred to the ethical reconsideration of artificial intelligence through art, that is, to the value of cognitive and emotional knowledge that art conveys, which is complementary to scientific knowledge. They further showcased, through two examples of art installations, how different ways of aesthetic experience contribute to the field of knowledge...

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How far North is Digital Phenotyping?
On Friday, October 1st, Ana Tomičić and Anamaria Malešević participated to the 2nd International Conference On the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Social sciences and Humanities organised by the Zagreb School of Economics and Management and the Luxemburg School of Business. They presented part of their study’s results, with particular reference to the strong misbalance in the scientific production from the Global North and South, resulting in cognitive injustice in knowledge production in the realm of digital phenotyping. Their presentation addressed the question, as stated in its title: How far North is Digital Phenotyping?

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