
  • 4th Osijek Days of Bioethics

    At the international conference of the 4th Osijek Days of Bioethics in Osijek, on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Ana Tomičić, Anamaria Malešević, and Anto Čartoloni delivered a talk entitled: “Ceci n’est pas une… éthique! The question of art in the context of artificial intelligence and health ethics“. The presentation referred to the ethical reconsideration of […]

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  • 4. osječki dani bioetike

    U sklopu međunarodne konferencije 4. osječki dana bioetike u Osijeku, u utorak 9. studenog 2021. godine su dr. sc. Ana Tomičić, Anamaria Malešević, mag. soc. i doc. dr. sc. Anto Čartolovni održali izlaganje naslovljeno: „Ceci n’est pas une… éthique! Pitanje umjetnosti u kontekstu etike umjetne inteligencije i zdravlja“. Kroz izlaganje su se osvrnuli na etičko […]

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  • How far North is Digital Phenotyping?

    On Friday, October 1st, Ana Tomičić and Anamaria Malešević participated to the 2nd International Conference On the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Social sciences and Humanities organised by the Zagreb School of Economics and Management and the Luxemburg School of Business. They presented part of their study’s results, with particular reference to the strong misbalance in the scientific […]

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  • Izlaganje na međunarodnoj konferenciji u organizaciji ZŠEM-a

    Članice Digit- HeaL tima, Ana Tomičić i Anamaria Malešević, 1. listopada sudjelovale su na međunarodnoj konferenciji On the relation between AI, social sciences and humanities u organizaciji Luxembourg School of Bussines i Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa. Na konferenciji su prezentirale dio rezultata provedene studije s posebnim osvrtom na razliku u znanstvenoj produkciji o digitalnoj […]

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  • Anto Čartolovni voditelj Goodbrother radne grupe

    Voditelj znanstveno-istraživačke jedinice Digit-HeaL, doc. dr. sc. Anto Čartolovni postao je voditelj radne grupe WG1: Social responsibility: Ethical, legal, social, data protection and privacy issues unutar COST projekta – Goodbrother. Goodbrother ima za cilj osvijestiti etičke, pravne i probleme privatnosti audio i video nadziranja, te predložiti radna rješenja za potpomognuto življenje stvaranjem interdisciplinarne zajednice istraživača i […]

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  • Dr Čartolovni leader of Goodbrother working group

    Digit-HeaL research lab leader Anto Čartolovni became the leader of working group WG1: Social responsibility: Ethical, legal, social, data protection and privacy issues in COST project – Goodbrother. Goodbrother aims to increase awareness of the ethical, legal, and privacy issues associated with audio- and video-based monitoring and propose privacy-aware working solutions for assisted living by creating an […]

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  • Tallinn Summer School

    Members of the Digit-HeaL team Ana Tomičić and Anamaria Malešević participated from July 19-30 in the summer school of the University of Tallinn. The course, entitled Design of Digital Service for Health Behavior Change, provided participants with basic knowledge of behavioral changes and techniques they can use in the digital domain to respond to health […]

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  • Ljetna škola u Tallinnu

    Članice Digit-HeaL tima, Ana Tomičić i Anamaria Malešević sudjelovale su od 19. do 30. srpnja na ljetnoj školi Sveučilišta u Tallinnu. Tečaj pod nazivom Design of Digital Service for Health Behavior Change pružio je sudionicima osnovno znanje o bihevioralnim promjenama i tehnikama koje su mogu koristiti u digitalnoj domeni kako bi se odgovorilo na zdravstvene […]

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  • Digit-Heal meeting with AI4Health.Cro

    Members of the Digit-HeaL team met with representatives of the AI4Health.Cro team and the Knowledge Network at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Dr Anja Barešić presented their European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) project AI4Health.Cro and their consortium consisting of stakeholders from the economic, public, medical and academic sectors involved in the development of digital solutions in […]

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  • Susret Digit-Heal tima s AI4Health.Cro

    Članovi Digit-HeaL tima susreli su se s predstavnicima tima AI4Health.Cro i Mreže znanja na Institutu Ruđer Bošković. Dr. sc. Anja Barešić predstavila je projekt EDIH-a (European Digital Innovation Hub) i AI4Health.Cro konzorcij koji se sastoji od dionika iz gospodarskog, javnog, medicinskog i akademskog sektora uključenog u razvoj digitalnih rješenja u zdravstvu i medicini, s posebnim […]

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