Registration form

Note:  It is necessary to upload registration fee payment confirmation during the registration process.
See the registration fee details here.

 *  Required


    Registration fee

    Type of registration fee:*

    Please, attach the registration fee payment confirmation (jpg, jpeg / pdf).*


    ( no file selected )

    If you are exempt from paying the registration fee, please indicate which group you belong to:*

    And select one of the following options:*

    I only want to attend all conference lectures.I want to attend all conference lectures and be additionally charged with 100 kn registration fee covering the conference materials, coffee breaks, welcome reception and attendance certificate expenses, excluding the conference dinner.I want to attend all conference lectures and be additionally charged with 250 kn registration fee covering the conference materials, coffee breaks, welcome reception and attendance certificate expenses, including the conference dinner.

    Please, attach the registration fee payment confirmation (jpg, jpeg / pdf).*


    ( no file selected )

    If you want to attach another payment confirmation, select "Attach another payment confirmation".

    Attach another payment confirmation

    Please, attach the registration fee payment confirmation (jpg, jpeg / pdf).


    ( no file selected )

    Additional notes:

    Note: By completing the registration, you agree that your personal data (required in this form) can be used for keeping in the 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia attendance list records.

    Please confirm:*

    Select if you want to receive e-mail updates:


    In the case of any difficulties during registration, please feel free to contact us via official conference e- mail