
Call for abstracts - STS Conference Graz 2022

A new call for abstracts for scientific papers has been issued as part of the 20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022, entitled “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies,” to be held in Graz, Austria, May 2-4, 2022. This is a joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of Graz University of Technology, the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society . More information about the Conference is available here.


The abstract should not exceed 500 words, and should have a maximum of 5 keywords. Closing date for submission of abstracts for individual topics is January 31. Applications should be submitted online via the following link.



The organizers and moderators of the session entitled “B.5 Ethics and / in Intelligent connectivity: principles, practices and governance” are Ana Tomičić, Anamaria Malešević and Anto Čartolovni from the Digital healthcare ethics laboratory at the Catholic University of Croatia. This session will cover the question of values and principles to guide the development, commercialization and use of Artificial Intelligence . It seeks to explore concrete challenges and concerns encountered in the field of AI, to examine existing normative frameworks, and to propose tools to facilitate decision-making and policy development in the field. The objective is to foster a joint reflection between researchers and practitioners to develop innovative, relevant and satisfactory approaches for all stakeholders involved in order to promote responsible innovation in AI from an ethical standpoint.


More information about the session is available here.