

Na projektu je održana Istraživačka radionica 1 s dvije teme Latent Growth Curve Modeling i Cross-Lagged Panel Models 15. i 16. prosinca 2022. Radionicu su održali profesor Stefanos Mastrotheodoros te Susanne Schulz . Zahvaljujemo našim predavačima na znanju i iskustvu obrade podataka koje su nam prenijeli, a koje će nam koristiti u našem daljnjem radu.

Research Workshop 1 with two topics Latent Growth Curve Modeling and Cross-Lagged Panel Models was held for the project on December 15 and 16, 2022. The workshop was held by Professor Stefanos Mastrotheodoros and Susanne Schulz . We want to thank our lecturers for the knowledge and experience of data processing that they passed on to us, which will be useful in our further work.