
[EARA Conference]

Naše suradnice na projektu Katarina Perić Pavišić, Matea Bodrožić Selak i Marina Kotrla Topić sudjelovale su na konferenciji European Association for Research on Adolescence održanoj u Dublinu od 24. do 27. kolovoza 2022. Matea Bodrožić Selak izlagala je rad pod nazivom „Can I use it? No! - Parental mediation, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, and conflicts about adolescents’ smartphone use” . Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između roditeljske popustljivosti, roditeljskih strategija medijacije, kvalitete odnosa roditelj-adolescent i sukoba oko korištenja pametnog telefona između adolescenata i roditelja. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 283 djece i 280 roditelja . Rezultati pokazuju da se sukobi oko korištenja pametnih telefona između adolescenata i roditelja češće događaju kod adolescenata čiji su roditelji popustljivi, strogo ograničavaju upotrebu pametnih telefona ili obično nadziru i kontroliraju aktivnosti svoje djece na pametnom telefonu. Provedeno istraživanje doprinosi postojećoj literaturi naglašavajući važnost roditeljskih obrazaca ponašanja i kvalitete odnosa roditelj-adolescent kada je riječ o korištenju pametnog telefona kod adolescenata. U svrhu poboljšavanja odnosa s adolescentima i sprečavanja javljanja sukoba, savjetujemo roditeljima da pokušaju više  uvažavati potrebu adolescenata za autonomijom na način da s njima unaprijed, odnosno prije nego im dopuste korištenje pametnog telefona, dogovore pravila korištenja i budu dosljedni u provedbi istih. Više o rezultatima možete pročitati u posteru.

Our project associates Katarina Perić Pavišić, Matea Bodrožić Selak and Marina Kotrla Topić participated at the European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference held in Dublin, August 24-27, 2022. Matea Bodrožić Selak presented research paper entitled "Can I use it?" No! - Parental mediation, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, and conflicts about adolescents’ smartphone use" . The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between parental permissiveness, parental mediation, the quality of the relationship between parents and adolescents, and the conflict over smartphone use between adolescents and parents. Overall 283 children and 280 parents participated in the study. The data show that conflicts over smartphone use between adolescents and parents are more common among adolescents whose parents are permissive, severely restrict smartphone use, or usually monitor and control their children’s smartphone activities. This study contributes to the existing literature highlighting the importance of parental behavior patterns and the quality of the relationship between parents and adolescents in relation to adolescent smartphone use. In order to improve relationships with adolescents and prevent conflicts from occurring, we advise parents to try to take more into account the need of adolescents for autonomy by agreeing on rules of use with them in advance, that is, before allowing them to use their smartphone and be consistent in implementing them. You can read more about the results in the poster.