Detaljni izvedbeni plan

Akademska godina 2019. / 2020. Semestar Ljetni
Studij Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij povijesti, Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij sociologije, Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij komunikologije Godina
1. - 3.


Naziv predmeta Integral Ecology
Kratica predmeta IZBP-166 Šifra predmeta 209008
Status predmeta Izborni ECTS bodovi 5
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta Nema
Ukupno opterećenje predmeta
Vrsta nastave Ukupno sati
Predavanja 30
Seminari 15
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja nastave HKS – prema objavljenom rasporedu


Nositelj predmeta
Ime i prezime Andreja Sršen
Akademski stupanj/naziv doktor znanosti Zvanje Docent
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1)
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu
Suradnici na predmetu
Ime i prezime Zoran Turza
Akademski stupanj/naziv Doktor znanosti Zvanje Docent
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 3706 628
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu
Suradnici na predmetu
Ime i prezime Đurica Pardon
Akademski stupanj/naziv Doktor znanosti Zvanje Poslijedoktorand
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1)
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Jezik na kojem se nastava održava Engleski

The Encyclical Letter Laudato si’ of the Holy Father Francis on Care for our Common Home is not just adressed to the Catholic Church and her members, but to all people, and especially to all the structures of society in the 21st century that are involved in actual questions about the protection of the environment, energy efficiency and harmless production technology.  It promotes guidelines on integral ecology which, alongside theological and philosophical comprehension, includes an understanding of other humanistic and natural sciencies as well. This means that the Encyclical Letter presupposes interdisciplinarity. The goal of this course is to explore the basic principles of integral ecology suggested by Laudato si’: mutual connections of ecology, economy and poverty and understanding of human development. Integral ecology is based upon the Christian understanding of man and God. That means that integral ecology is founded on the principles of Christian anthropology. Integral ecology focuses on: ecological economics, social ecology, cultural ecology and the ecology of everyday life.

Očekivani ishodi
učenja na razini
Students will be able to: enumerate and explain the basic elements and principles of integral ecology; critically evaluate different ecological approaches; apply the principles of integral ecology; relate the basic issues of ecology, economics and poverty that are mutually connected; analyse and explain Biblical texts and texts from the Encyclical Letter Laudato si'.

Encyclical letter Laudato si’of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home, Rome, 2015.; Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
Gaudium et spes Promulgated by His Holiness, Pope Paul VI on December 7, 1965.; Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate of the Supreme Pontif Benedict XVI to the Bishops Priests and Deacons Men and Women Religious the Lay Faithful and all People of Good Will on Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth, Rome, 2009.,


T. BURNS – B.S. CANIGLIA, Environmental Sociology: The Ecology of Late Modernity, Norman, 2015., MARGARET BARKER, The earth is the Lord’s: the biblical view of the environment, in: International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 8 (2008.) 3, 192–202. (DOI: 10.1080/14742250802178322) PHILIP A. CUNNINGHAM, A Catholic Theology of the Land: The State of the Question, in: Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, 8 (2013.) 1., 1-15. (DOI: 10.6017/scjr.v8i1.5182) SEUNGJUNG CHOI, The Biblical Understanding of Laudato Si’, in: Catholic Theology and Thought, 78 (2017.) 1, 10-46. (DOI: 10.21731/ctat.2017.78.10) BRENDAN BYRNE, A Pauline Complement to Laudato Si’, in: Theological Studies, 77 (2016.) 2, 308–327. (DOI: 10.1177/0040563916635117)

Način ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja
Polaže seDa Isključivo kontinuirano praćenje nastaveNe Ulazi u prosjekDa
Preduvjeti za dobivanje
potpisa i polaganje
završnog ispita
  1. Regular attendance– a minimum 70% class attendance.
  2. Completed essay on time– presentation and timely delivery of the essay.
  3. Completed two oral presentation of the chapter of Encyclical Letter Laudato si’ or Encyclical Letter Caritas in veritate.
  4. Acquiring at least 35% in class activities – on a cumulative basis.


Način polaganja ispita

Class activities:

  1. Two oral presentation of one of the chapter from the Encyclical Letter Laudato si’ or Encyclical Letter Caritas in veritate,
  2. Presented and written essay,
  3. One mid-term exam.
Način ocjenjivanja

Numerical gradation:
Fail (1) – 0 up to 49,9 %
Pass (2) – 50 up to 64,9 %
Lower second (3) – 65 up to 79,9 %
Upper second (4) – 80 up to 89,9 %
First (5) – 90 up to 100 %

a) Class activities – 70 % of the grade
• essay – 20 %
• mid-term exam – 30 %
• two oral presentation – 20

b) Final exam – 30 %
• final oral exam – 30 %

Detaljan prikaz ocjenjivanja unutar Europskoga sustava za prijenos bodova
VRSTA AKTIVNOSTI ECTS bodovi - koeficijent
opterećenja studenata

Pohađanje nastave 1.2 0
Esej 1.4 20
Kolokvij-međuispit 1.5 30
Seminarsko izlaganje 1.4 20
Ukupno tijekom nastave 5.5 70
Završni ispit 1.5 30
UKUPNO BODOVA (nastava+zav.ispit) 7 100
Datumi kolokvija Midterm Exam: 8th term;
Datumi ispitnih rokova Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Tjedan Tema
1. Introduction – course outline
2. What is going on with our planet Earth?
3. Biblical Theology of the Land I.
4. Biblical Theology of the Land II.
5. The Vision of Laudato Si': The Cosmic Common Good as a Common Ground
6. Basic Circularity: Ecology-Economy-Poverty I.
7. Basic Circularity: Ecology-Economy-Poverty II.
8. Mid-term exam
9. New Tehnocratic Paradigm and Integral Ecology
10. Integral Ecology as a New Social Paradigm - Calls for a New and Universal Solidarity
11. Integral Ecology as a New Framework of Social Values for Sustainability
12. Ecological Spirituality
13. Ecological Education
14. St. Francis and Pope Francis
15. Society and Enviroment
Tjedan Tema
1. Introduction – course outline
2. What is going on with our planet Earth?
3. Biblical Theology of the Land I.
4. Biblical Theology of the Land II.
5. The Vision of Laudato Si': The Cosmic Common Good as a Common Ground
6. Basic Circularity: Ecology-Economy-Poverty I.
7. Basic Circularity: Ecology-Economy-Poverty II.
8. Mid-term exam
9. New Tehnocratic Paradigm and Integral Ecology
10. Integral Ecology as a New Social Paradigm - Calls for a New and Universal Solidarity
11. Integral Ecology as a New Framework of Social Values for Sustainability
12. Ecological Spirituality
13. Ecological Education
14. St. Francis and Pope Francis
15. Society and Enviroment