

Donosimo vam dio rezultata našeg longitudinalnog istraživanja kojeg smo provodili u osnovnim školama s djecom i njihovim roditeljima početkom ove godine . Jedno od istraživačkih pitanja na koje želimo odgovoriti odnosi se i na učestalost prepirki između djece i roditelja oko djetetovog korištenja mobitela. 

Rezultati prikupljeni primjenom nove skale za mjerenje prepirki djece i roditelja oko dječjeg korištenja mobitela koju smo osmisli, pokazali su da se djeca s roditeljima najčešće prepiru oko vremena korištenja mobitela, točnije oko toga koliko dugo općenito koriste mobitel, koliko koriste mobitel u odnosu na druge obaveze i u koje doba dana ga koriste. Roditelji i djeca koji se često prepiru oko vremena djetetovog korištenja mobitela, često se prepiru i oko aktivnosti djece na mobitelu. Uz to, rezultati pokazuju da djeca koja se češće prepiru s roditeljima oko vremena korištenja mobitela ili aktivnosti na mobitelu češće izjavljuju da se osjećaju lošije, odnosno više doživljavaju neugodne emocije. 


We present some of the results of our longitudinal study conducted earlier this year in elementary schools with children and their parents . One of the research questions of the study was regarding the arguments between children and parents because of the child's use of mobile phones. 

Results collected using a new scale we developed to measure arguments between children and parents over children's smartphone use show that children and their parents most frequently argue about the time they use the smartphone, more specifically, how long they use the smartphone in general, how much they use the smartphone relative to other obligations, and what time of day they use it. Parents and children who frequently argue about the time their children use their smartphones also frequently argue about their children's smartphone activities. In addition, results show that children who argue more often with their parents about the time of the phone use or activities on the phone more often state that they experience more unpleasant emotions.