Lifelong Learning Programs

Program for Acquiring Teaching Competencies and Competencies for Work in Educational Institutions

The Catholic University of Croatia offers a Program for Acquiring Teaching Competencies and competencies for working in educational institutions.

The program is intended for participants who plan to work or have secured employment in an educational institution, vocational teachers, teachers of artistic subjects in art schools, and participants who plan to work or have secured employment in an educational institution to conduct practical teaching and exercises, as well as vocational instructors and teaching associates. The program consists of eight courses covering areas such as pedagogy, psychology, didactics, and teaching methodology. In addition to compulsory courses, there are also some elective courses that participants can choose from.

Upon completion of the Program for Acquiring Teaching Competencies, participants earn 60 ECTS credits and gain the competencies required to work in educational institutions.

Enrollment for the program is announced twice a year: in September and March. There is no limit to the number of participants. Classes in the program can also be conducted online in agreement with the course instructors.


Integration and Educational Program – IEP

Integracijsko-edukacijski program (dalje u tekstu: IEP) prvi je cjeloviti integracijski program u Republici Hrvatskoj koji objedinjuje znanja iz hrvatskoga jezika te hrvatske kulture i povijesti. Izvođenje Programa započelo je 7. veljače 2023. godine na Hrvatskom katoličkom sveučilištu. Program su kreirali te u njegovom provođenju sudjeluju nastavnici i stručnjaci s Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta. Danas u IEP mogu biti uključene sve zainteresirane osobe iz Ukrajine koje žive u Republici Hrvatskoj. U budućnosti se planira da IEP bude otvoren za sve zainteresirane strance koji se nalaze u Hrvatskoj te na dinamičan i interdisciplinaran način žele učiti o Republici Hrvatskoj.

Važnost i potencijal ovog programa za hrvatsko društvo prepoznala je i njemačka zaklada Renovabis e.V., solidarna inicijativa njemačkih katolika s ljudima Centralne i Istočne Europe, financijskom podrškom u trenutačnome projektu „Integration of Ukrainian refugees in Croatia“ na period u trajanju tri godine, kao i Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište sa svojim doprinosom u provedbi projekta.


Other Lifelong Learning Programs

YearName of Program
2023.Professional Development Program: Specialized Training for Bachelor's Degree Nurses in Emergency Medicine
2023.Lifelong Learning Program Summer School: Practicing Resilience. Preparing for Recovery. More at the link.
2022.Lifelong Learning Program Summer School: Practicing Resilience. Preparing for Recovery.
2022.Lifelong Learning Program (Postgraduate Course): Three-Dimensional Ultrasound in Clinical Gynecology
2022.Lifelong Learning Program on Challenges in Diagnosing and Treating Parkinson's Disease
2021.Lifelong Learning Program Laudato si’! Through Dialogue to Integral Ecology – More at the link.
2019.Lifelong Learning Program – Summer School Music and Human Potential: Education, Empowerment, and Rehabilitation – More at the link.
2017., 2018., 2019., 2020.Lifelong Learning Program: Essential Communication Skills in Emergency Medicine – More at the link.
2018.University Lifelong Education Program on Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders – More at the link. 
2018.Lifelong Learning Program Obstetric Pelveoperineology
2017.Program for Training Nurse Mentors in the Nursing Study at the Catholic University of Croatia – More at the link.