
Natječaj i uvjeti upisa

All study programs of the Croatian Catholic University are conducted on the basis of Permits issued by the Ministry of Science and Education.

Applications for admission to university undergraduate studies and university integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in Medicine begin on February 1, 2024 at 9 a.m.

You can read the general and additional conditions in the APPLICATION. If you have any questions, after reading the terms of the Application, you can write to us at: studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr

Study application deadline: from February 1 to June 24, 2024 through the National Information System for Higher Education Applications (NISpVU).

We wish you much success!

University undergraduate study - Communication Studies
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam

Additional conditions
  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview

The ranking list for the enrollment of full-time students is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (25.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation examination: Croatian language* (20.00 %) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation examination as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation examination at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (10.00 %)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • optional part of the state matriculation exam: any optional subject (5.00%)
  • entrance interview - (15.00 %)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: total 45 (40+5) (from 1st to 40th enrollment place according to the linear model, from 41st to 45th enrollment place with full participation in study costs)

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 48

You can read more about the university's undergraduate study program in Communication Studies at this link.

University undergraduate study - History
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions

The ranking list for the enrollment of full-time students is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (30.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (30.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (10.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • optional part of the state matriculation exam: History - not mandatory (5.00%)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 25 in total

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 28

You can read more about the university undergraduate course in History at this link.

University undergraduate study - History (double major)
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions

The ranking list for the enrollment of full-time students is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (30.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (30.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (10.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • optional part of the state matriculation exam: History - not mandatory (5.00%)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 20 in total

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 23

You can read more about the university's undergraduate study in History (double major) at this link.

Undergraduate university study of Theological and Religious Sciences (double major) (KBF) and university undergraduate study of History (double major) (CUC)

From the academic year 2022/2023.  began with the performance of the undergraduate university study of Theological and Religious Sciences (double major) and the university undergraduate study of History (double major) in cooperation with the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb and the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb.

Type of study: Double major study, regular

Duration: The study lasts 3 years (6 semesters in total).

ECTS credits: min. 180 (in total for both dual-subject studies)

Academic title acquired upon completion of studies: Bachelor's degree (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) in theological and religious sciences (univ. bacc. theol. relig.) and bachelor's degree (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) in history (univ. bacc. hist.)

Competences that the student acquires at the end of the studies:

The study prepares for teaching assistants in religious studies in primary and secondary schools, for pastoral and catechetical activity in the parish, for work in social and humanitarian institutions and for work in the means of social communication.

Undergraduate university studies in history allow students to acquire basic knowledge in various areas of history as well as basic competencies and skills for historical work. At the same time, he gains insight into the peculiarities and contribution of other scientific disciplines.

General conditions

  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam

Additional conditions

  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview
  • passed the threshold on the Motivation Exam

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (30.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (20.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (5.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (10.00%)
  • optional part of the state matriculation exam: Any optional subject - compulsory (5.00%)
  • class exam at the Catholic Faculty of Theology for candidates who completed a four-year education before 2010 or who graduated outside the Republic of Croatia - mandatory (40.00%)
  • entrance interview - HKS - History (15.00 %)
  • motivation test – KBF (15.00%)
  • national competition any discipline (grades 1 - 4; placement 1 - 3), (3.00 %)
  • national competition, any discipline (grades 1-4); (2.00 %)
  • category of athletes (I. - II.); (2.00 %)
  • completed another secondary school (4.00%)
  • knowledge of a foreign language that the candidate did not study in high school (2.00%)
  • The highest percentage of points that can be achieved through competition results, categories of athletes and other special achievements is 10.00%


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 10 in total

Capacity: 10

Admission via KBF! --> https://www.kbf.unizg.hr/prijave-i-upisi-trz-dvopredmetni/

You can find more about study enrollment and the necessary documentation at this link.

About the undergraduate study of History at the Croatian Catholic University at this link.  

More information at: tajnistvo.studija@kbf.unizg.hr or phone 01/4890 437

University undergraduate study - Psychology
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions
  • passed the threshold on the abstract thinking test
  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview

The ranking list for admission of full-time students to study Psychology is compiled according to the success of registered applicants.

During the admissions competition, evaluate yourself:

  • average of all grades from high school (25.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (15.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam of level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – A (15.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (10.00%)
  • abstract thinking test (15.00%)
  • entrance interview - HKS - Psychology (15.00 %)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: total 45 (40+5) (from 1st to 40th enrollment place according to the linear model, from 41st to 45th enrollment place with full participation in study costs)

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 48

You can read more about the university undergraduate course in Psychology at this link.

University undergraduate study - Nursing (regular)
General conditions
  • completed high school or four-year secondary school or completed five-year medical school in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. a recognized certificate of completed school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
  • psychophysical abilities for study (proof: certificate from a family doctor or a doctor from school medicine or occupational medicine) - submit no later than June 24, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. via studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr
Additional conditions

The ranking list for admission is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (35.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (20.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (20.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 40

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 43

You can read more about the university undergraduate course in Nursing at this link.

University undergraduate study - Nursing (part-time)
General conditions
  • completed high school or four-year secondary school or completed five-year medical school in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. a recognized certificate of completed school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
  • psychophysical abilities for study (proof: certificate from a family doctor or a doctor of school medicine or occupational medicine) - submit no later than June 24, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. via studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr
Additional conditions

The ranking list for admission is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (35.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language* (20.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (20.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 20

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 0

Applicant with the right priority: 0

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 0

Capacity: 20

You can read more about the university undergraduate course in Nursing at this link.

Part-time students within the quota for EU citizens - applicants who graduated before 2010 in Croatia

Applicants who completed secondary education in the Republic of Croatia before 2010 have the right to compete in the Quota for applicants who graduated before 2010.

In the event that the enrollment quota is not filled, the University will expand the regular enrollment quota for the number of enrollment places that remained unfilled within the quota reserved for applicants who graduated before 2010.

General conditions 
  • completed high school or four-year high school or five-year medical school in the Republic of Croatia
  • psychophysical abilities for study (proof: certificate from a family doctor or a doctor of school medicine or occupational medicine) - submit no later than June 24, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. via studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr
Additional conditions
  • The ranking list for admission is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for general success in all classes of high school - evaluation 100.00 %

Admissions  and grading procedure - additional conditions (verification) for admission to the university undergraduate course Nursing in the status of a part-time student for applicants who compete for admission within the enrollment quota for applicants who graduated before 2010 in the Republic of Croatia are accepted by the date indicated in the Competition, and are performed via National information system for applications to higher education institutions (NISpVU).

Applicants register through the application Postani student! to receive a password that will enable the applicant to register for the course.

Applicants must be sent to the address of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, Central Application Office, Donje Svetice 38/5, 10000 Zagreb, exclusively by registered mail by May 20, 2024, submit certified copies of the following documents to the notary public:

– proof of completion of all grades of high school (certified copies of certificates for each grade)

– final high school certificate, certificate of passed distinction exams (if the candidate has them)

Proof of other additional achievements (completed another high school) must be submitted to the Croatian Catholic University at: studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr no later than June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Enrollment applicants are required to pay the administrative cost of the study application and submit it no later than June 24, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.

Applicants who submit/enter an incorrect or invalid e-mail address during registration lose the right to further competition for study admission.

Applicants gain the right to study depending on the number of points achieved in the class procedure, which is carried out as part of high school success.



Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 25

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 0

Applicant with the right priority: 0

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 0

Capacity: 25

In case of non-filling of the enrollment quota, which is reserved within the quota for EU citizens for applicants who compete for enrollment within the enrollment quota for applicants who graduated before 2010 in the Republic of Croatia, the University will increase the established enrollment quota by the number of enrollment places that remained unfilled. within the quota reserved for applicants who graduated before 2010 in the Republic of Croatia.

You can read more about the university undergraduate course in Nursing at this link.

University undergraduate study - Sociology
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions
  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview

The ranking list for the enrollment of full-time students to study Sociology is compiled according to the success of the registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (10.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language * (25.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam up to the end of the 2021/2022 school year must have passed the state matriculation exam at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (25.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00%)
  • entrance interview - HKS - Sociology (15.00 %)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 30 in total

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 33

You can read more about the university's undergraduate study program in Sociology at this link.

University undergraduate study - Sociology (double major)
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions

The ranking list for enrollment of full-time students is compiled according to the success of registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (30.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation examination: Croatian language* (30.00 %) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation examination as of the 2021/2022 school year are required to have passed the state matriculation examination at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (10.00 %)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (20.00 %)
  • the optional part of the state matriculation exam - Sociology - is not mandatory (5.00%)
  • state knowledge competition, athlete category or completed another high school (5.00%)


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 20 in total

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 23

You can read more about the university's undergraduate study program in Sociology at this link

Undergraduate university study of Theological and Religious Sciences (double major) (KBF) and undergraduate university study of Sociology (double major) (CUC)

From the academic year 2022/2023.  began with the implementation of the undergraduate university study of Theological and Religious Sciences (two subjects) and the university undergraduate study of Sociology (two subjects) in cooperation with the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Catholic University in Zagreb.

Type of study: Double major, regular

Duration: The study lasts 3 years (6 semesters in total).

ECTS credits: min. 180 (in total for both dual-subject studies)

Academic title acquired upon completion of studies: Bachelor's degree (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) in theological and religious sciences (univ. bacc.theol.-relig.) and bachelor's degree (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) in sociology (univ. bacc. soc.)

Competences that the student acquires at the end of the studies:

The study prepares for teaching assistants in religious studies in primary and secondary schools, for pastoral and catechetical activity in the parish, for work in social and humanitarian institutions and for work in the means of social communication.

Undergraduate university studies in sociology allow students to acquire basic knowledge in various areas of sociology, as well as basic competencies and skills for sociological work. At the same time, he gets an insight into the peculiarities and contribution of other scientific disciplines. Undergraduate study consists of several groups of subjects, i.e. basic sociological disciplines, auxiliary and related disciplines. Subjects are compulsory and optional.

General conditions

  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • passed the state matriculation exam

Additional conditions

  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview
  • passed the threshold on the Motivation Test

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

  • average of all grades from high school (30.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Croatian language – A* (20.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation exam up to the end of the 2021/2022 school year must have passed the state matriculation exam of level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of member states EU who have completed secondary education in the EU instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – B (5.00%)
  • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (10.00%)
  • optional part of the state matriculation exam: Any optional subject - compulsory (5.00%)
  • class exam at the Catholic Faculty of Theology for candidates who completed a four-year education before 2010 or who graduated outside the Republic of Croatia - mandatory (40.00%)
  • entrance interview - HKS - Sociology (15.00 %)
  • motivation test – KBF (15.00%)
  • national competition any discipline (grades 1 - 4; placement 1 - 3), (3.00 %)
  • national competition, any discipline (grades 1-4); (2.00 %)
  • category of athletes (I. -II.); (2.00 %)
  • completed another secondary school (4.00%)
  • knowledge of a foreign language that the candidate did not study in high school (2.00%)
  • The highest percentage of points that can be achieved through competition results, categories of athletes and other special achievements is 10.00%


Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 10 in total

Capacity: 10

Admission via KBF! --> https://www.kbf.unizg.hr/prijave-i-upisi-trz-dvopredmetni-i-sociologija/

You can find more about study enrollment and the necessary documentation at this link.

About undergraduate studies in Sociology at the Croatian Catholic University at this link

More information at: tajnistvo.studija@kbf.unizg.hr  or phone: 01/4890 437

University integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in Medicine
General conditions
  • completed gymnasium or four-year high school in the Republic of Croatia, or a recognized certificate of completion of school abroad
  • attending Biology, Physics and Chemistry for at least two years during high school education
  • when applying for study, and no later than the end of the deadline for applications on June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., the applicant is obliged to submit proof of health status on the prescribed form available on the University's website through the Student Affairs Service and psychophysical abilities for study, issued exclusively by the school medicine service at the institutes of public health in the Republic of Croatia, no older than 6 months. Form is available at the LINK
  • when applying for study, and no later than the end of the deadline for applications on June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., the applicant is obliged to submit a handwritten statement through the Student Affairs Service on the prescribed form available on the University's website that does not suffer from mental illnesses that would hinder the study of medicine, and which are unknown to the school medicine doctor. Statement is available a the LINK 
  • passed the state matriculation exam
Additional conditions
  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview

The ranking list for enrollment of full-time students is compiled according to the success of registered applicants.

During the admission competition, applicants are evaluated for:

    • average of all grades from high school (10.00%)
    • compulsory part of the state matriculation examination: Croatian language* (0.00%) (*Applicants who took the state matriculation examination as of the school year 2021/2022 are required to have passed the state matriculation examination at level A in the Croatian language. Applicants who are citizens of EU member states who have completed secondary education in the EU, instead of the Croatian language at the state matriculation exam, the mother tongue is recognized as part of their externally evaluated final exam.)
    • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Mathematics – A (0.00%)
    • compulsory part of the state matriculation exam: Foreign language – A (0.00%)
    • optional part of the state matriculation exam:
    • Chemistry (25.00%)
    • Physics (25.00%)
    • Biology (25.00%)
    • entrance interview - HKS - Medicine (15.00 %)



Enrollment quota for EU citizens: 40 in total

Enrollment quota for foreign citizens: 1

Applicant with the right priority: 1

Enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia: 1

Capacity: 43

You can read more about the university's integrated undergraduate and graduate study in Medicine at the LINK

Quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia
General conditions
  • completed high school (equivalent to level 4.2. HKO: high school education; four-year and five-year vocational high school education);
  • Applicants who completed their secondary education outside the Republic of Croatia are not required to take the state matriculation exams in the Republic of Croatia
  • knowledge of the Croatian language
Additional conditions
  • passed the threshold at the entrance interview (for admission to university undergraduate/integrated studies: Communication, Psychology, Sociology single subject and Medicine)
  • passed the threshold on the test of abstract thinking (TAM) - only for the study of psychology
  • High school grades: 35%
  • Entrance interview: 35%
  • Other achievements (10% for each other achievement: another high school, state baccalaureate, abstract thinking test and/or other): 30%

Applications for study enrollment for applicants within the quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia are made through the National Information System for Applications to Higher Education Institutions (NISpVU). The deadline for applying for studies through the NISpVU system is June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Applicants competing for enrollment within the enrollment quota for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia must submit all documentation, including the certificate of belonging to the Croatian nation obtained from the Central State Office for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia, to the Central Application Office in accordance with the instructions published on the website of the National Application Information System to universities - Become a student! - where it is necessary to register to receive a password that will enable the applicant to register for the course.

Croats outside the Republic of Croatia submit documentation by May 20 if they graduated by December 31, 2023. If they end in 2024, then they send documents by July 1, 2024.

Applicants competing for enrollment within the enrollment quota for Croats from outside the Republic of Croatia must submit documentation by May 20, 2024. if they graduated by December 31, 2023. If they finish school in 2024, then they send documents by July 1, 2024.

You can find all the details related to the documentation at LINK.

Proof of other additional achievements (another secondary school completed*) must be submitted to the Croatian Catholic University at: studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr by June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

*does not apply to admission to the university's integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in Medicine

Applicants within the enrollment quota for Croats from outside the Republic of Croatia are (in accordance with Article 2 of the Act on Relations of the Republic of Croatia with Croats Outside the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, No. 124/11, 16/12):

  • members of the Croatian minority in European countries (in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, Romania, the Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, the Italian Republic, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Bulgaria) and
  • Croatian emigrants in overseas and European countries and their descendants.


Classification procedure for enrolling students in the first year of university undergraduate studies in the academic year 2024/2025. is carried out in the summer enrollment period and in the autumn enrollment period, if there are still vacant enrollment places after the summer enrollment period has been completed. The classification procedure for enrolling students in the fall enrollment period will be published under the same or new conditions that will be determined by the University Senate by Decision.

Enrollment applicants are required to pay the administrative cost of the study application and submit it to: odjele.provjere@unicath.hr by June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Applicants competing for admission to the university undergraduate program Nursing or the university integrated undergraduate and graduate program Medicine must submit additional documents (medical certificates) to the Student Affairs Service at studentska.sluzba@unicath.hr by June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. , statements, etc.).

The enrollment quota foresees one (1) enrollment place in the summer enrollment period for each university undergraduate study (except for the part-time study of Nursing) and for the university's integrated undergraduate and graduate study of Medicine.

You can find more info at this LINK

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