Our Team
Anto Čartolovni
Anto Čartolovni is the research group and Digit-HeaL laboratory leader.
Associate Professor at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb.
He received his PhD in Bioethics in 2016 from the Institute for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University Sacred Heart in Rome.
His main research areas are Ethics of emerging technologies (AI, Big data), Philosophy of technology, Bioethics, Neuroethics and Philosophy of medicine.
He has published extensively on various topics in bioethics, philosophy and ethics of emerging technologies etc. He is currently involved in several international and national projects and has been engaged as an ethics expert in several ethical committees and IRB boards.
PI of the installation research project „(New) Ethical and Social Challenges of Digital Technologies in the Healthcare Domain (Digit-HeaL)- UIP-2019-04-3212“ funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.
- Publications
Čartolovni A. Ethical and anthropological aspects of the emerging field of neuroprosthetics. Rome: Aracne editrice; 2017.
Book chapters
Čartolovni, A., Singbo, OG. (2021), ‘Normative implications of the idea of ‘fluid corporeality’ in the digital age’. U R Petkovsek & B Zalec (ur.), Transhumanism as a challenge for ethics and religion. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 45-53.
van Leeuwen, R, Haugan, G, Rogers, M, Roxberg, Å, Zolnierz, J, Čartolovni, A. (2021), ‘Competence 1: Intrapersonal Spirituality and Its Impact on Person-Centred Spiritual Care’ U McSherry, W., Boughey, A. & Attard, J. (ur.) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care. Cham: Springer, pp. 77-93.
Čartolovni, A., Malešević, A., Poslon, L. (2023). Critical analysis of the AI impact on the patient–physician relationship: A multi-stakeholder qualitative study. DIGITAL HEALTH 9. doi:10.1177/20552076231220833
Stanojević, S., & Čartolovni, A. (2022). Moral distress and moral injury and their interplay as a challenge for leadership and management: The case of Croatia. Journal of Nursing Management, 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13835
Čartolovni, A., Tomičić, A., Lazić Mosler, E., (2022), Ethical, legal, and social considerations of AI-based medical decision-support tools: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics Vol. 161, 104738, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104738
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A. & Čartolovni, A., (2022), Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Digital Phenotyping as a Future Solution for Present-Day Challenges: A Scoping Review. Sci Eng Ethics 28, 1, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00354-1
Čartolovni, A., Stolt, MP., Scott PA. & Suhonen, R. (2021), ‘Moral injury in healthcare professionals: A scoping review and discussion’, Nursing Ethics. doi: 10.1177/0969733020966776.
Habek, D., Prka, M., Čartolovni, A., Cerovac, A. & Dokozić, D., (2021), ‘Caesarean section between doctrine to heresis. Medicoethical and deontological view of caesarology: an opinion’. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2021, 48(1): 1-4.
Stanojević, S., & Čartolovni, A., (2020), ‘Opća informiranost i stavovi medicinskih sestara o metodama prenatalne genetičke dijagnostike’, Sestrinski glasnik, 25(2), str. 129-134.
Fosch-Villaronga, E., Čartolovni, A. & Pierce, R., (2020), ‘Promoting inclusiveness in exoskeleton robotics: Addressing challenges for pediatric access’. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Vol. 11 (Issue 1), pp.327-339.
Gložinić, T., Singbo, O. & Čartolovni, A., (2020), ‘Poimanje distanazije i transhumanizma iz perspektive sestrinske profesije’. Obnovljeni Život, 75 (4), 457-473.
Singbo, O., Gložinić, T. & Čartolovni, A., (2020), ‘Izazovi produljenja ljudskoga života na razmeđu poboljšanja i agonije’. Diacovensia, 28 (3), 341-360.
Radoš, S., Matijaš, M., Anđelinović, M., Čartolovni, A. & Ayers, S., (2020), ‘The role of posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms in mother-infant bonding’. Journal of Affective Disorders, 168, 134-140.
Čartolovni, A., Habek, D., (2019), ‘Guidelines for the management of the social and ethical challenges in brain death during pregnancy’. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 146: 149-156.
Čartolovni, A., (2018), ‘Neuroznanstvena dekonstrukcija ideologiziranog »beznađa« vegetativnoga stanja’. Nova prisutnost, XVI(1), 73-87.
Čartolovni, A., (2017), ‘Kršćanski ambijentalni etos kao održiviji odgovor na ekološke probleme u doba antropocena’. Filozofska istraživanja, 148(4), 133-150.
Čartolovni, A., (2017), ‘Teilhard de Chardin’s oeuvre within an ongoing discussion of a gene drive release for public health reasons’. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 13(1): 18.
Čartolovni, A., (2017), ‘Is There a Place for Humility in HEAVEN?’. AJOB Neuroscience, 8:4, 234 236.
Čartolovni, A., (2016), Miriam Eilers, ‘Grüber K, Rehmann-Sutter C. (ur.) ’The Human Enhancement debate and disability- New Bodies for a better life’. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 37(3): 237-242.
Čartolovni, A., Spagnolo, GA., (2015), ‘Ethical considerations regarding head transplantation’. Surg Neurol Int, 6: 103.
Čartolovni, A., Casini, M, Spagnolo, GA., (2014), ‘The regulation of the Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) in Croatia and the European legislative context’. Medicina e Morale, 6: 997-1025.
Casini, M., Meaney, J., Midolo, E., Čartolovni, A., Sacchini, D., Spagnolo, GA., (2014), ‘Why teach “Bioethics and Human Rights” to healthcare professions undergraduates?’. JAHR, 5/2(10): 349-368.
Mária Kolesárová
Mária Kolesárová is a member of the Digit-HeaL research group.
Assistant professor at the Institute for Social Medicine and Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava.
She received her PhD in Bioethics in 2013 from the Institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome.
She carried out her research in bioethical centers in Oxford (UK) and Milan (Italy).
Her main research is related to ethics of genetic research and biobanks.
Participated in several national and international projects such as Gen-Etica, Tiss.Eu, VEGA.
Winner of the Fulbright postdoctoral research grant “Ethical Framework for the Use of Big Data in Genomics” at the Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (USA).
- Publications
Book chapters
Šuleková M., Biobanche di ricerca. U Russo G, (ur.) Nuova Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Sessuologia. Torino: Editrice ELLEDICI; 2018. 357-363.
Šuleková, M., Wiesenganger M. Philosophical Assumptions for Ethics of Inclusion and Prosociality Approach. U Aa.Vv. 4rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2017. Book 2, Vol 2; 2017. 545-550. ISBN 978-619-7408-18-8
Šuleková, M., Vzťahovosť, závislosť a cnosť v etike starostlivosti. U Rajský A, Wiesenganger M, (ur.) Pomoc druhému na ceste cnosti. K filozofickým aspektom prosociálnosti. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis; 2017. 124-151.
Šuleková, M., Prosociálnosť z hľadiska etiky starostlivosti. U Rajský A, Podmanický I, et al. Človek človeku. K prameňom etickej výchovy. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis; 2016. 70-103.
Šuleková, M., Anthropological-axiological assumptions and ethical principles of optimal model of inclusion. U Bullock S, Brestovanský M, Lenčo P, (ur.) Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in Youth Work The Principles and Approaches. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire; 2016. 14-17.
Casini, M., Šuleková, M., “Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Slovacchia, Ungheria”. U Palazzani L, Neppi L, (ur.) Consulenza genetica e normative europee. Roma: Edizioni Studium; 2012: 220-265.
Šuleková, M., Fitzgerald KT. Can the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin Carry Us Past Current Contentious Discussions of Gene Editing Technologies? Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2019; 28 (1): 62-75.
Šuleková, M., Prosociálnosť z hľadiska etiky starostlivosti. U Rajský A, Podmanický I, et al. Človek človeku. K prameňom etickej výchovy. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis; 2016. 70-103.
Corsano, B., Sacchini, D., Šuleková, M., Minacori, R., Refolo, P., Spagnolo, AG., Allogeneic versus Autologous: ethical issues in umbilical cord blood use. JAHR, 2015; 7: 67-85.
Casini, M., Casini, C., Meaney, J., Šuleková, M., Spagnolo, AG., Object of Property or Human Being? The Status of the Human Embryo before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (Case Parrillo v. Italy). Med. Etika Bioet./Med. Ethics Bioet., 2014; 1-2: 2-13.
Šuleková, M., Spagnolo AG. Si può parlare ancora di “informazioni impreviste” nell’era del sequenziamento del genoma umano? Medicina e Morale, 2013; 6: 1255-1259.
Šuleková, M., Le biobanche di ricerca. Problematiche etico-sociali tra diritti dell´individuo e prospettiva comunitaria. Medicina e Morale, 2013; 3: 477-510.
Šuleková, M., Spagnolo, AG., Biobanche e screening neonatali. Medicina e Morale, 2012; 3: 481-486.
Šuleková, M., Sacchini D. L’arte e la scienza delle biobanche. Medicina e Morale, 2011; 5: 933-936.
Šuleková, M., Sacchini, D., Le questioni a rilevanza etica nell’utilizzo delle biobanche. Medicina e Morale, 2010; 5: 766-769.
Luka Poslon
Luka Poslon is a member of the Digit-HeaL research group.
He holds a research assistant position at the Catholic University of Croatia, employed with the support of the Croatian Science Foundation on the basis of the open call”Career Development Project for Young Researchers – Training of New Doctors of Science” (DOK-2021-02-9366). Luka graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences University of Zagreb in 2021 with a Master’s degree in philosophy. In his role as Program Director of the World Youth Alliance, he had charge of several international and national projects. He acts as an advisor for youth issues at the Center for the Study of the Relationship between Science and Religion at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, and as a deputy member of the Youth Council of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Luka authors a bioethics column on the portal mimladi.hr portal.
He regularly attends international and national conferences such as the 14th Lošinj Days of Bioethics organized by the Croatian Philosophical Society and the Croatian Bioethical Society, and the Emerging Leaders Conference 2015 organized by the World Youth Alliance Europe. He took part in the 2016 International Summer School for the Study of Western Institutions in Vienna, organized by The Phoenix Institute.
His areas of interest revolve around the contemporary challenges of bioethics, digital technology and artificial intelligence. Luka was awarded the Viktor Frankl Award as the most outstanding member of the World Youth Alliance in Europe for 2020.
- Publications
Poslon, L. (2022) Ljudsko dostojanstvo i kraj života, Obnovljeni Život: časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, 77 (2), 235-248.
Poslon, L. (2021) “Anto ČARTOLOVNI, Ethical and anthropological aspects of the emerging field of neuroprosthetics, Aracne editrice, Rome, 2016., 184 str.”. Diacovensia, 29 (4), 644-649.
Anamaria Malešević
Anamaria Malešević, PhD, is a member of the research group of the Digit-HeaL lab.
She completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in Sociology at the Catholic University of Croatia. In the academic year 2020/2021, she enrolled in the doctoral program Sociology: Values, Identity, and Social Change in Croatian Society, and in July 2024, earned her PhD with a dissertation on Digital Health.
As a doctoral candidate, she participated in several summer schools. In the summer of 2023, she attended the Summer Doctoral Programme at the University of Oxford, where she was selected for the prestigious program at the Oxford Internet Institute as one of 30 doctoral candidates whose dissertations focus on the research of digital technologies.
She is the co-author of multiple scientific papers and a digital book and is involved in various scientific research projects. She has presented at several international scientific conferences in Croatia and abroad.
- Publications
Ložnjak, K., Malešević, A., Čargo, M., Mladinić, A., Koporc, Z., & Puljak, L. (2024). Comparison of Heads of Research Ethics Committees with Data Protection Officers on Personal Data Protection in Research: A Mixed-Methods Study with Structured Interviews. Journal of Academic Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-024-09509-8
Čartolovni, A., Malešević, A., & Poslon, L. (2023). Critical analysis of the AI impact on the patient–physician relationship: A multi-stakeholder qualitative study. Digital Health https://doi.org/10.1177/20552076231220833
Brgles, M.M., Malešević, A. (2023). Kako provesti kvalitativno istraživanje? Priručnik za mlade (i kreativne) istraživače. Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A. & Čartolovni, A. (2022), Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Digital Phenotyping as a Future Solution for Present-Day Challenges: A Scoping Review. Sci Eng Ethics 28,1
Klimczuk, A., Ake-Kob, A., Aleksic, S., Alexin, Z., Blazeviciene, A., Cartolovni, A., Colonna, L., Dantas, C., Fedosov, A., Villaronga, E. F., Florez-Revuelta, F., He, Z., Jevremovic, A., Kuźmicz, M., Lambrinos, L., Lutz, C., Malešević, A., Mekovec, R., Miguel, C., . . . Tamò-Larrieux, A. (2022). Position Paper on Ethical, legal and Social Challenges linked to Audio- and Video-Based AAL Solutions. Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.428234
Tomičić, A., Malešević, A. & Čartolovni, A. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Digital Phenotyping as a Future Solution for Present-Day Challenges: A Scoping Review. Sci Eng Ethics 28, 1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00354-1
Students involved in the project (2021-2023)
Josipa Blašković
Josipa Blašković is a student at the Catholic University of Croatia, where she graduated in 2021 at the Department of Sociology. She is currently enrolled in a master’s degree in Sociology – Management and Public Policy at the Catholic University of Croatia.
In the winter semester of the academic year 2019/2020, she served as a demonstrator on the course “Introduction to Sociology” and, later that year, she collaborated with the Ivo Pilar Institute on the project “Development Opportunities and Challenges of the Wider Area of Dvor Municipality Encouraged by Locating the RAW Disposal Center in Čerkezovac”. In 2021 she was once again engaged in collaboration with the Ivo Pilar Institute, this time focusing on the project “Survey on Travel Habits of Bjelovar-Bilogora County Residents”. She also launched in the academic year 2020/2021 the project at the University, which consists of lectures, workshops and field activities for students.
Ana Posarić
Ana Posarić is a student at the Catholic University of Croatia, where she received her Bachelor’s degree in 2021 at the Department of Sociology. She is currently enrolled in a master’s degree in Sociology – Management and Public Policy at the Catholic University of Croatia.
During her undergraduate studies, she participated in the student congress Challenges of (post)modernity organized by the Sociology Students’ Club Nexus. She was awarded several prizes by the Department of Sociology.
As part of her extracurricular activities, she participated in the project “Sociological study: analysis of public attitudes about the risks and development opportunities associated with the work of the Center for RAW Management at the location Čerkezovac” with the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in Zagreb.