A Word from the Head of the Department

Mario Kevo
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Kevo, Pročelnik Sveučilišnog odjela za povijest

The course of study in History was the first to be launched at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. It is envisaged as a novelty in Croatia’s higher education system since the programme begins with Contemporary History. Unlike the other courses of study in History in the Republic of Croatia, this programme is designed to follow history in reverse order, from Contemporary to Ancient History. In addition to undergraduate and graduate levels, postgraduate university (doctoral) studies in History were launched at the Department of History in the 2018-2019 academic year. This also was a novelty in comparison to other postgraduate doctoral studies in the country. Launching doctoral studies of the mentoring type, designed after the model of other European countries (Austria, Germany and France), an educational vertical was established, and teaching follows contemporary scientific norms. Over the last several years, we have focused on raising the quality of our studies, undertaken a reform of undergraduate and graduate studies and launched a new undergraduate two-subject course of studies in History. A new graduate university course of studies is in the works, which should enable the acquisition of teacher’s qualifications.

During History studies at our University, we pay special attention to the development of the writing skills of our students in order to make them quality historians. We encourage excellence in their work, which is testified by the fact that our students have been winning awards in competitions for best papers, e.g. on Slavonia’s history, or for best graduate theses written under the mentorship of teachers from the Department of History of the Catholic University of Croatia. Moreover, we pay special attention to Christian values that constitute the foundation of society, e.g. respect for human dignity, personality development, pursuit of the truth…

We hope that in reading these few lines you have recognised yourself and your place in our small but dynamic academic community. Therefore, we would like to invite you to become part of it and to grow in mutual interaction together with us for the benefit of the Department of History, the Catholic University of Croatia and, naturally, in the future for the benefit of the society at large.