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History students simulated how to implement reconciliation processes

On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, students of the CUC university graduate study in history, within the course Communication Practice of prof. Irena Sever Globan and assistant Veronika Novoselac participated in a lecture and practical workshop on mediation as an effective approach to communication and constructive conflict resolution. The guest lecture was given by Suzana Fugaj, mag. iur., univ. spec. iur., head of the Center for Mediation of the Croatian Association for Conciliation (HUM) and winner of the award Young Conciliator of the Year.



As an expert with extensive experience in the field of alternative conflict resolution, Fugaj presented the methodological foundations of the mediation process, integratively connecting theoretical concepts with concrete examples from her many years of practice in the field of mediation and peace studies. In the practical part of the class, students gained direct experience in the application of mediation techniques in the simulation of the mediation process. Participating in the reconstruction of a real scenario, the participants became aware of practical competencies in the field of active listening, dialogue facilitation and a constructive approach to conflict resolution.



For future history teachers, this experiential learning about mediation represents a valuable instrument in the development of professional competences, especially in the context of contemporary educational challenges that require sophisticated approaches to managing class dynamics and developing a culture of dialogue in the school environment.