Jelena Pavković, Erasmus+ student, Catholic university Pázmány Péter, Budimpešta, Hungary
Living abroad and studying in a different way in the company of students from all over the world, traveling and everyday life with them, which includes learning about customs, culture and cuisine, as well as breaking down prejudices, I believe that it cannot leave anyone unchanged. Also, being a student of history, I greatly benefited from the availability of a wealth of foreign material that can be found in Budapest's university libraries. Finally, the most beautiful thing that remains for us, former "Erasmusians" after the exchange, are lifelong friendships and mutual visits!

Lucija Conar, Erasmus+ training, Detski domov Škovrankok, Hnúšťa, Slovakia
I am very happy that I took advantage of the opportunity to go on an Erasmus+ internship and spent a month working as a psychologist in a home for neglected children in Tisovac, a small town in the heart of Slovakia. Working in the profession, especially in this context, is an invaluable experience that has enriched me both professionally and personally. My colleagues provided me with maximum support, knowledge and skills necessary for working with children, and at the same time I learned a new language and got to know Slovak culture through work. In addition, I met many interesting people, visited beautiful new places and created memories for a lifetime!

Sara Štetić, Erasmus+ student, Institute catholique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Toulouse is a small city in the very south of France. It is best known for the aviation industry and a large number of students - both French and many foreigners. Institute catholique de Toulouse is a private university with different majors and different locations. Almost all classes are held on the main campus, which is not too big, so it's not easy to get lost. All courses are taught exclusively in French together with groups of regular students. The university offers a two-month French language course to all foreign students. As at HKS, the colloquium and seminar, i.e. various assignments and exercises are prerequisites for the exam, therefore regular work and commitment are required. The interesting thing is their scoring system from 0 to 20. All exams are composed in such a way that they carry a maximum of 20 points, so the number of points achieved is actually the grade itself. There are also student ID cards that match our ID cards which is great for proving your student status anywhere outside of college. For the student restaurant, it is necessary to make a special card that works according to the prepaid principle.

What ZET is to us, Tisséo is to Toulouse. Creating a student ID card costs €8, and a month of use costs €10. The best thing is that the show doesn't have a duration of months, but from date to date! Unlimited use of buses, trams and metro is included in the price. There are two metro lines that cover the center and the outskirts of the city very well, and it is the most used city transport. As for accommodation, considering the number of students, it is not difficult to find a collocation, that is, an apartment for rent with roommates. There are also student dormitories for which you need to contact the ICT coordinator. It is important to note that France offers everyone a housing grant.

Toulouse is a predominantly student city so there is always something to see and do. In addition to many museums and exhibitions, many different events, festivals and concerts are held. It is best to immediately join the Erasmus student network (ESN), in order to connect with people from other faculties. ICT does not have anything organized for Erasmus students, however other large universities often do, and these events are open to all students. One of the extremely useful places is the Accueil (Welcome desk) which serves to help students with excessive paperwork, but also offers various practical information such as guides and maps of the city.

Tanja Popović, Erasmus+ student, Catholic University John Paul II, Lublin, Poland
My Erasmus+ adventure started in Lublin, where I left my mark as the first Croatian woman and psychology student from HKS. I always knew that I wanted to go on an Erasmus exchange, convinced that I knew approximately what kind of experience awaited me. Now I can say that it is about a unique life experience and pushing one's own boundaries, getting to know oneself and other cultures and customs, and friendships that last a lifetime. I would recommend students to take advantage of the many opportunities of the Agency for Mobility and EU programs, from exchange to professional practice, and raise their education to a higher level.