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[Sudjelovanje na 2024 Annual Meeting (SRA), Chicago]

Voditeljica projekta izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Merkaš i doktorandica Ana Žulec Ivanković sudjelovale su na konferenciji „2024 Annual Meeting“ koju je organiziralo društvo Society for Research on Adolescence. Konferencija se održala u Chicagu, savezna država Illinois, od 18. do 20. travnja 2024.

Ana Žulec Ivanković izlagala je poster „Longitudinal association among smartphone use, problem behaviors and well-being in Croatian adolescents“ autorica članica istraživačke grupe Ane Žulec Ivanković, Matee Bodrožić Selak, Marine Merkaš, Katarine Perić Pavišić, Marine Kotrla Topić i Vanese Varga. Profesorica Merkaš izlagala je poster „Smartphone use and communication in Croatian families with adolescents“ autorica članica istraživačke grupe Marine Merkaš, Matee Bodrožić Selak, Ane Žulec Ivanković, Katarine Perić Pavišić, Marine Kotrla Topić i Vanese Varga. Ovi radovi nastali su na temelju podataka prikupljenih u longitudinalnoj studiji s djecom i roditeljima koja je provedena u sklopu projekta D.E.C.I.D.E.

Profesorica Merkaš prezentirala je istraživačke aktivnosti i rezultate našeg projekta D.E.C.I.D.E. u okviru predkonferencije „Global Perspectives on Youth Resilience“ na poziv organizatorice predkonferencije profesorice Andree Hussong sa Sveučilišta North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 17. travnja 2024.

Izlaganja na konferenciji su bila vrlo uspješna, jer su nakon njih održani radni sastanci s kolegama koji imaju slične istraživačke teme i interese te su uspostavljene nove suradnje za buduća istraživanja i projekte!

, Chicago]

Project leader Assoc. Prof. Marina Merkaš, Ph.D., and doctoral student Ana Žulec Ivanković attended the "2024 Annual Meeting" conference organized by the Society for Research on Adolescence. The conference took place in Chicago, IL, from April 18th to 20th, 2024.

Ana Žulec Ivanković presented the poster titled "Longitudinal association among smartphone use, problem behaviors, and well-being in Croatian adolescents," authored by members of the research group Ana Žulec Ivanković, Matea Bodrožić Selak, Marina Merkaš, Katarina Perić Pavišić, Marina Kotrla Topić, and Vanesa Varga. Professor Merkaš presented the poster titled "Smartphone use and communication in Croatian families with adolescents," authored by members of the research group Marina Merkaš, Matea Bodrožić Selak, Ana Žulec Ivanković, Katarina Perić Pavišić, Marina Kotrla Topić, and Vanesa Varga. These works were based on data collected in a longitudinal study with children and parents conducted as part of the D.E.C.I.D.E. project.

Professor Merkaš presented the research activities and results of our D.E.C.I.D.E. project at the pre-conference "Global Perspectives on Youth Resilience," invited by the pre-conference organizer Professor Andrea Hussong from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, on April 17th, 2024.

The presentations at the conference were very successful, as they were followed by working meetings with colleagues who share similar research topics and interests and new collaborations were established for future research and projects!